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Your search term "university academic calendar" returned 1,953 results.

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Showing results 1,891 - 1,900

  1. Deposit your publication

    See the Deposit Guide that's available to you for submitting your publication to LJMU Research Online.

  2. Tina Purkis

    Read the profile of Tina Purkis, HR Executive Director .

  3. Supporting our city and communities

    LJMU is a key partner in working towards the Liverpool City Region’s target to be net zero carbon by 2040. We work with a wide range of other organisations on initiatives to tackle climate change and protect our environment.

  4. Honorary fellows index

    See the full list of Honorary Fellows who have received the University's highest award.

  5. Honorary Fellows 2017

    Find out more about the Honorary Fellows awarded in 2017, Professor Denise Barrett-Baxendale MBE, Anyika Onuora, Zia Chaudhry MBE, Datuk Noel Robert, Canon Ruth Gould MBE, Mark Featherstone–Witty RNOM OBE, Dr Ulrich Hoppe, Dr Larry DeNardis, Professor Roger Webster, Linda Grant, Lou McGrath OBE and David Carter.

  6. Social events

    Find out about the social events planned for the ECBB conference including the social evening on the 11 August and the Student Social on the 9 August.

  7. Maxine Sharples

    Maxine has come full circle since studying as an undergraduate student with LJMU to now working for her alma mater, Liverpool Business School. Alongside her day job, Maxine is a yoga instructor, running sessions with LJMU Sport and for the university’s menopause matters group.

  8. LJMU Research Data Storage

    Research Data are a valuable asset, so it is important that you choose the correct place to store yours while you work with it. LJMU IT Services provide a range of storage options.