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Your search term "university academic calendar" returned 1,953 results.

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Showing results 11 - 20

  1. LJMU Summer University 2024

    Apply now for your place on our residential Summer University, and experience university life for yourself for free from the 5th and 7th July.

  2. Academia in Residence

    Find out how the Liverpool School of Art and Design has increased the city’s cultural standing on an international stage by fostering a research culture in the city’s arts institutions.

  3. UK-MUC contacts

    UK Malaysia University Consortium secretariat and Member contact information.

  4. Welcome to LJMU

    Essential information for new students joining the University, including guidance on registration and enrolment, induction and students' union activities and much more.

  5. Women Academics Network

    The University Women Academics Network (WAN) is for all female academics at Professorial, Reader and Pre-Reader (AKA: Early Career Researcher) level.

  6. Academic Achievement

    Find out how the Academic Achievement Team offers advice on studying at university, as well as how to write great assignments and get the grades you want in your assessments.

  7. University structure

    The University’s Senior Management team is led by the Interim Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive. Academic schools are split into five faculties. Key areas – education; external engagement; Strategic Initiatives and Enhancement; scholarship, research and knowledge transfer are led by the Pro-Vice-Chancellors.

  8. Academic Quality

    Academic quality policies: AMR Procedures Manual, Contacts for advice on the annual monitoring process, External examining guidelines for staff, Guidelines for external examiners, Guidelines for validation and review, Light touch review method, Professional Doctorates Framework, RPEL Handbook, University Framework for Quality and Standards.