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Your search term "university academic calendar" returned 214 results.

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Showing results 1 - 10

  1. MRes Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences

    Explore and find solutions to unmet pharmaceutical, health, and scientific needs on this brand new MRes Pharmacy and Biomolecular Sciences, delivered by Liverpool John Moores University.

  2. PhD Policing Studies

    LJMU's School of Justice Studies is at the forefront of developing new research in policing, criminal justice, security and related fields.

  3. MSc Real Estate

    LJMU's MSc in Real Estate is accredited by the RICS and is designed as a fast-rack route for first-degree holders seeking a career in Real Estate.

  4. LLM Legal Practice Course | Part-time

    LJMU's part-time Legal Practice Course (LPC) produces highly skilled, commercially aware and effective Trainee Solicitors, prepared for the demands of a Training Contract.

  5. MA Mass Communications

    LJMU's Mass Communications MA investigates the significance of media forms, the systems within which they operate and the challenges they face.

  6. PhD Policing Studies

    LJMU's School of Justice Studies is at the forefront of developing new research in policing, criminal justice, security and related fields.

  7. MA Fine Art | Part-time

    LJMU's MA in Fine Art enables you to investigate all proponents of fine art and its practice in production, material intervention, media and curation.

  8. MA Fine Art

    LJMU's MA in Fine Art enables you to investigate all proponents of fine art and its practice in production, material intervention, media and curation.