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Irene's story

Argentinian Irene Heyn came to Liverpool in 2016 to study for her masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology at LJMU.

After my undergraduate degree I decided that further study was not for me and I would not be returning to education. Some years later, however, whilst travelling in New Zealand, I met an academic who was teaching on a Clinical Exercise Physiology programme. The more I heard about the programme the more interested I became and I soon decided that it was what I wanted to do. I felt that my undergraduate studies had not led me anywhere in particular so by specialising in something I really believed in I would finally find the career I really wanted.

Having decided to study in Europe, LJMU was an obvious choice due to its league table position. I also had some knowledge of the city, having travelled to Liverpool a couple of years ago and made some friends here.

The course is everything I could have hoped for. I wouldn’t say that masters study is incredibly hard, I would just say that it is a matter of time management. As I work full-time I sometimes find it difficult to juggle everything but I get it done because I know will be worth the effort.

I would recommend postgraduate study to anyone who has real passion and drive. The knowledge of the academics at LJMU is of such a high standard, the labs are superbly well equipped for practical work and the placements we undertake mean that we can put all of our academic learning into practice.

Outside of my studies I have come to feel very much at home in Liverpool. It is such a welcoming place and I have found a second family here now. The people are great and you never feel lonely here and that’s a big thing when you are far away from home.”