Aileen Fox (1907-2005)
- Although Fox read English at the University of Cambridge, women were not granted degrees at the time and she was unable to graduate until 1948.
- An archaeologist, Fox's first excavation was at Richborough Roman Fort, where the Romans landed in Britain during their invasion in AD 43.
- After the war, she became a special lecturer at the University College of the South West (UCSW) at Exeter.
- Fox was one of the first female lecturers in archaeology, UCSW eventually becoming Exeter University.
- Subsequently, she lectured at Auckland University, New Zealand, for ten years, undertaking various roles and rejuvenating the investigation of many Maori pa-hill forts.
- Fox is remembered for being a co-founder of the New Zealand Archaeological Association.
Text: [Online] At: [Accessed: 25/01/21] [Online] At: [Accessed: 25/01/21]
Image: Trowel Blazers – Lady Aileen Fox
Author: Callum Baker (2021) LJMU Student
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