Frequently asked questions

Take a look at our FAQs to find out more information:

Will TEN replace the ACTivator workshops?

No, ACTivator will still offer a full programme of workshops to support researchers. TEN will complement this activity with opportunities such as informal networking (coffee and croissant) challenge events (Hackathons) and faculty drop in sessions as well as bespoke training and the chance to develop cross faculty collaboration.

Will TEN invite external expertise and speakers into LJMU?

Yes, TEN is the forum for collaboration, business engagement and partnership development so we will be inviting guests from a variety of industries to present and engage with us.

Can anyone attend a TEN event?

You must be interested in research and knowledge exchange or from an industry we are looking to develop connections with. Many of the external organisations attend by invitation only or as guests with academics who are already scoping out, or working together, on a project.

Do we need to attend all TEN events?

No, you only need to attend the relevant events to you. However, we would recommend that you come along to the coffee and croissant networking to ensure you know what’s happening across the University and if there is anything that you could help or get involved with.

Do we need to book a place at Coffee and Connections or will be able to turn up on the day like we do for drop in clinics?

We will not turn away anyone who would like to attend. However, we would prefer people to let us know if they are attending so that we can make the arrangements for refreshments and book an appropriate room to accommodate those attending.

Can I receive details of all forthcoming events directly to my email by subscription?

Yes you can. We will ensure that we list all forthcoming events on the LJMU intranet, however we will also have a mailing list for TEN attendees and we will be sending regular updates and announcements to this group via email. Email with the subject Mailing List, to be added.

Will all events take place in Exchange Station?

No, we plan to offer TEN events across all faculties and at each campus to make it convenient for you to attend.

Can I bring anyone external with me that might benefit from attending the event?

Yes, if you’re working with another University, or business, you can bring a guest to a relevant event but please ensure that you let the TEN team know so that we can accommodate you.

How do I make suggestions as to what I would like to be included in the agenda for events?

Yes, we have been reaching out to the University with several consultations to establish what courses and workshops people would be interested in, but if you have a new suggestion or idea please email

Who can I contact for more information about TEN events?

TEN is managed by Research and Innovation Services and you can contact the team using this email: