Researcher Development

LJMU’s aspiration to be a university engaged in world-class research and scholarship across all disciplines is advanced by you, our academics.  Your research helps to ensure that our academic community is collectively alive and pushes the frontiers of knowledge and understanding.  It helps to create an exciting, relevant and inspirational learning experience for our students.  It also enables us to fulfil our ambition and obligation to deliver tangible benefits to society.

We want to support you to be confident, ambitious and fulfilled in your research role.  To that end, all our professional development opportunities are relevant, impactful and engaging.

Combining professional facilitation with the expertise of experienced academics and support staff from across the University, we guarantee a high quality development which will make a positive contribution to your research career.

In collaboration with The Doctoral Academy, Organisational Development also provides targeted development for PGRs.

If you are considering applying for external funding, costings should be created using the Grants and Projects system (GaP). Training is required before having access to the live system.