LJMU Staff Development Funding

If you have any questions about the LJMU Degree Programme Funding Guidelines or require support completing the LJMU Degree Programme Funding Application Form, please contact Jason Boulter, OD Manager: j.boulter@ljmu.ac.uk.

If you have any questions about apprenticeships or applying for apprenticeship funding, please contact Jason Boulter, OD Manager: j.boulter@ljmu.ac.uk.

Other development programmes and activities, which are not apprenticeships or LJMU degree programmes, are funded from your local Faculty and Department budgets. You should follow your locally established processes for this. If you are unsure of what your local processes are please speak to your line manager.

Faq Items

How can I find out what programmes are available or information about a specific programme?

I have a question about staff development funding who should I speak to?

Who is my local Business Partner (BP)?

Who do I speak to for advice about creating a new LJMU staff apprenticeship job role?