Formatting your thesis for deposit

Use the following instructions to format your thesis

  1. Please see the Policy for the Presentation of Research Theses for guidance on the layout and presentation requirements of your thesis for submission.

  2. The preferred deposit format for the LJMU E-Theses Collection is a single PDF. It should be an exact copy of the final printed, examined and approved version (i.e. the contents, pagination, chapter headings etc. are identical). This ensures consistency for description and citation.

  3. You should save the PDF version of your thesis using the following filename format:
    • year-name-degree.pdf. For example: 2015brownphd.pdf or 2015brownmphil.pdf.
    • For additional files, such as appendices or programme code, we recommend the following format: year-name-degree-file subject-matter.pdf. For example, 2015brownphdappendix.pdf.
  4. If you need to deposit two files - one complete and one with third party copyright material edited out - you should give them different filenames using the following format:
    • Full (not for public view) version: year-name-degree internal.pdf. For example, 2015brownphdinternal.pdf.
    • Public version (third party copyright material removed): year-name-degree.pdf. For example, 201brownphd.pdf.
  5. If you have been awarded a PhD by Published Work, you should deposit a copy of the document as submitted for examination (full version), but you should also deposit a public version that should not include the full text of your publications. Instead, you should include an appendix containing a list of those published works and any links to DOIs or URLs to journals/publications containing them.

  6. When depositing an edited version of your thesis for public view, you will need to ensure all the third party material (for which permission has not been granted or sought for inclusion in the University repository) has been removed/hidden.
    • One suggestion is to use a placeholder note where the text (or other content has been removed). For example:
    • The [insert description here eg image/diagram/map/text] originally presented here cannot be made freely available via LJMU E-Theses Collection because of [insert 'copyright' or other reason here]. The [image/diagram/map/text] was sourced at [insert details of where the item originated such as bibliographic reference, publication details, URL or other relevant details here].
    • Removing content and adding notes may disrupt the pagination of the electronic version. If necessary, you should consider using the 'page break' function to retain the original pagination of the final full version submitted for examination. Apart from removing restricted content and replacing it with a note, no other changes should be made to the text of the edited version – this should remain the same as the final passed version.
  7. If you need to deposit additional multimedia files that cannot be incorporated into the main PDF, you will need to email LJMU E-Theses Service for advice.

  8. If you require any technical assistance when creating your PDF for deposit, help is available in your local IT suite or Library.