Updated Business Continuity Management Policy

Following approval by the Executive Leadership Team, the Business Continuity Management Policy has been updated and added to the policy centre.

The university’s Business Continuity Management (BCM) Policy is designed to set out the institution’s approach to business continuity management, the roles of key parties, and the core component processes and activities at the university. It is designed to ensure that effective BCM measures are developed, embedded and resourced at LJMU, and that a consistent approach is adopted across the institution.

The following minor changes have been made to the policy:

  • Section 3:1 - has been updated to reflect that the Business Continuity Management Group is now co-chaired by the Registrar & Chief Operating Officer and a Faculty PVC
  • Related Documents/Reference Points – this section has been updated.

Accessing LJMU policies

Policies can be accessed via the LJMU Policy Centre and staff can use the search function, using the name of the policy, to access the relevant document.

If you have any issues accessing the policies, please do not hesitate to email the policies inbox for further support.


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