
Resources available for professionals

This online resource hub is designed to:

  • Provide up-to-date, easily accessible information on the legal asylum-seeking process and role of professionals
  • Provide information to promote health and well-being, and share information and good practice
  • Increase students and professionals' knowledge of specific health issues relevant to asylum seekers and refugees
  • Develop a better understanding among students and professionals of the importance of cultural diversity and providing culturally responsive care
  • Create the opportunities for inter-professional and inter-agency collaboration and learning between healthcare professionals and non-healthcare organisations such as education, employment and housing

The contents of this resource hub are organised as follows:

  • Summary of the key challenges relating to particular aspects of care for asylum seekers and refugees
  • Guidance based on the literature, practice experience and knowledge of professionals including former refugees working with asylum seekers and refugees 
  • Selected resources that provide information on specific aspects of care services available to asylum seekers and refugees and the web links to those resources