LCEI Grant Scheme
LCEI offers grant funding via the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, to support LCR businesses to adopt and implement new low carbon technologies to decarbonise and reduce their carbon footprint.
The scheme is an exciting opportunity for innovative, ambitious LCR businesses to put their low carbon plans into action and take the next step in their journey to net zero.
Grant funds can be used to support the implementation of any recommendations made within the LCEI carbon assessment, including the purchase and installation of technologies and equipment that drive business innovation, enable clean and sustainable growth, and deliver significant carbon reductions.
Final grant decisions are made by the independent LCEI Grant Panel. Each application will be considered on its individual merits and its potential impacts for business productivity and carbon reduction.
Businesses will need to evidence the ‘additionality’ the grant can bring, such as business growth and job creation.
The LCEI team will support you every step of the way, through eligibility and documentation, helping you build a strong application to present to the Grant Panel.
Grant value
Capital grants of up to £25,000 are available, which must be matched by a minimum 50% contribution from the business.
Businesses that have been approved for the LCEI capital grant must be able to defray all expenditure prior to receiving the grant payment.
Applicants must comply with due diligence checks and will be asked to provide supporting documents.
What the grant can fund
This will be considered on an individual basis. Businesses must show how the purchase will benefit them commercially and environmentally. Examples include:
- PV panels
- Green energy lighting/heating solutions
- Energy efficient machinery/equipment
- Renewable energy technologies
Timescales and milestones
The grants will only support projects which will be completed and paid for before the end of February 2025.
Milestones will be agreed with LCEI to check procurement and purchase/installation progress and monitor success post installation.
LCEI may also contact you to take part in a post-project survey or case studies.
Businesses must not have sourced formal quotes or started a tender process for the equipment/installation before the grant is approved. Preliminary cost enquiries are acceptable, but formal procurement processes must not be started until your Business Grant Funding Agreement is signed.
If the application is approved, businesses are required to gain three suitable quotes and show the value for money justification in their chosen supplier.
Procurement guidance will be provided and all required evidence must be submitted at the relevant stage before a grant is paid.
Next steps
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact us and a member of the Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory team will be happy to explore with you how we can help your business.
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