Eligibility and Benefits
Launched in 2015 with funding from the European Regional Development Fund, LCEI has previously helped more than 500 city region SMEs to reduce their carbon emissions, and develop innovative low carbon products, processes and services, saving more than 45,000 tonnes CO2e.
From October 2023, LCEI is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority as the lead authority.
This new phase builds on the success of the LCEI project in the city region. With the support of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, LCEI will continue to offer low carbon assistance, now alongside capital grants, until March 2025.
How your business can benefit from working with us
We will provide your company with unbiased specialist advice and bespoke reports as well as student projects that can all significantly benefit your business financially as well as environmentally.
Increased profitability
We help to increase your profitability with the development of new and improved products and processes, streamlined energy usage and adoption of low carbon technologies.
Increased knowledge
We provide you with an increased knowledge of energy management and carbon reduction and the impact it can have on your business culture and profitability.
Increased competitive advantage
We offer access to high value environmental toolkits and specialist expertise to develop new products and processes linked to the low carbon agenda.
Access to university resources
As a collaborative partnership between Liverpool John Moores University and University of Liverpool, our combined resources will provide the expertise to progress your ideas through research collaborations and financial assistance.
Information sharing
We can link your business to the wider LCR business and innovation support ecosystem – eg LCR Finance Hub, LCR Angel Networks, LCR Seed Fund and Innovation Eco System Partners such as – LYVA Labs, Baltic Ventures Tech Accelerator, Innovate UK Edge.
Access to specialist funding
Based on recommendations of the LCEI team and our specialist carbon reports, businesses can access grant funding to implement low carbon investments.
The project is funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. In most cases the business assistance has no financial cost and includes all initial reports and advice.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Businesses must be based in the Liverpool City Region. You can check your postcode to ensure your business is eligible.
- LCEI complies with the Minimum Financial Assistance regulations under the Subsidy Control Act 2022. Eligible businesses must not have received more than the set threshold of state support (£315,000), either directly or through any organisation/group it is a member of, in the current and previous two financial tax years. Any funding received under the EU State Aid regime, De Minimis, SAFA or SPEI in the applicable period should be included in this calculation.
The project will focus on SMEs but we are able to work with businesses of all sizes across the region, depending on need and impact. Businesses must present a compelling case for potential business/environmental/innovation benefits as a result of support.
Contact us
Get in touch to see if your business is eligible for support: J.M.Mathias@ljmu.ac.uk