Roscoe Lecture Review: Sir Malcolm Thornton

Sir Malcolm Thornton delivering his Roscoe Lecture

Sir Malcolm Thornton FRSA delivered a Roscoe Lecture examining the gap between elected politicians, and other public office holders, and the public they are there to serve. He talked from his experience of over 50 years in public life, and related this to current events including the Referendum, the American Presidency and the General Election, examining the political landscapes that have led to a huge gap between the public and politicians.

Sir Malcolm, who started his career as a River Mersey Pilot, combining this with 14 years in local government, before entering Parliament in 1979 where he served for 18 years, posed the questions - Why has it happened? Why has this been allowed to happen?

He expressed the opinion that local governments should still be valued, but reform is needed to allow for a better balance and accountability.

“Whatever elected politicians, and other public office holders, may think, a huge gap has grown between them and the public they are there to serve. Over 50 years in public life have convinced me that this disconnect cannot, must not, be allowed to continue and that there are ways to address it." Sir Malcolm Thornton FRSA

To hear his views on the major changes and reforms which are needed, you can listen to the lecture here

Group shot with the Good Citizenship Award winner

Good Citizenship Awards

These awards recognise the often overlooked contributions that young people from different cultures and communities make to society today. This evening’s award was presented to Riverside Primary School pupil Evan Selby.

Evan has been described by his school as a charming, charismatic and caring boy, who embodies the school motto, 'Da Totem Habes' (Give it all you've got!). Sadly, Evan's mum passed away a few years ago, but despite his grief, Evan's outlook on life has been inspirational - his driving force is in his own words, ”I just want to make my mum proud”. He has taken part in the Race for Life and has been instrumental in various fundraising activities. Evan also plays a key role in the school’s Power Pack team - a bereavement club that supports children experiencing loss. Evan was elected by his schoolmates as British Hero for his overall contribution to the school community and the wider community. Evan is affectionately known by Riverside staff as, 'Mr Sunshine,' and they could not think of anybody more deserving of this award.

For 20 years, LJMU has invited some of the country’s leading commentators to join staff, students and the people of Liverpool in discussing issues that matter to them. The Roscoe Lectures use research, humour and political insight to explore current, engaging topics.

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