DaDaFest: The artistic flair to effect social change

The HR team at Liverpool Business School are project evaluators for DaDaFest. We obtained part of the Paul Hamlyn ‘Access and Participation’ fund in connection with DaDaFest from 2018-2021. 

DaDaFest is “an innovative disability arts organisation based in Liverpool, delivering the festival and other arts events to promote high quality disability and deaf arts from unique cultural perspectives. It also produces opportunities for disabled and d/Deaf people to access arts, including training and a young people’s programme”.

Our role, as project evaluators, is to examine the projects undertaken by DaDaFest with the Paul Hamlyn funding. Since September 2018, we have undertaken some research activities such as the curriculum enhancement internship and research on organisational change.

The curriculum enhancement internship involved a world café research with Liverpool John Moores University internal stakeholders to capture their views on diversity. Our curriculum interns presented findings at the LJMU Teaching and Learning Conference, a CIPD event in June and at the Liverpool Business School’s Faculty of Education. Simultaneously, we investigated the impact of organisational change on employees at DaDaFest and, the impact on organisational development.

On the 27th November 2019, we will present our research 'Organisational Change at DaDaFest: Impact on employees and organisational development at the LEAD Forum, Liverpool Business School. Other plans for 2019/2020 include journal publications on the preceding research, examine DaDaFest partnerships, disseminate research on organisational change to DaDaFest Board and present the important work of both the HR team and DaDaFest at conferences.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the corresponding Project Evaluator Maureen Royce.

Project evaluators: Maureen Royce, Joshi Jariwala and Sally Kah

Image credit: DaDaFest


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