Honour Based Abuse, Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage conference held in partnership with Savera UK 

Honour Based Abuse, Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage conference held in partnership with Savera UK 

LJMU Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) team worked in partnership with SaveraUK to host an inspiring HBA, FGM and FM event in November 2019. The event attended by staff and students from LJMU, other HEls in the country and the local community groups helped to raise awareness,  recognise the issues and how to speak out on behalf of people,  and get help for oneself if in such situations. Speakers explained how these issues relate to other violence against women and girls.

The conference was opened by a moving performance by young people from communities where HBA, FGM and FM are prevalent. Payzee Mahmod a survivor and IKWRO Ambassador & Campaigner spoke passionately about her experience. IKWRO is a registered charity which provides advice and support to Middle Eastern and Afghan women and girls living in the UK who are facing Forced Marriage, Child Marriage, “Honour” Based Violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Domestic Violence. Payzee said after the event that “FGM, Child Marriage and other forms of honour based abuse are ruining lives. Please, let’s put an end to this suffering for good”.  

Nazir Afzal OBE, former Crown Prosecutor for NW England and most recently the Chief Executive of UK’s Police and Crime Commissioners, was at the event and spoke to reinforce the need to help people understand the issues and the  consequences.  Nazir said, “This is an issue of Human Right and requires all of us to take responsibility that will bring  change”.

For transcript of Payzee’s speech click on this link (Important Note: This document contains sensitive content which some readers may find distressing, support services and direct contact information can be found below) 

To find out more about the work carried out by IKWRO, please visit: www.ikwro.org.uk

For further information on Payzee Malika, please visit: www.payzeemalika.co.uk

If you would like to be involved in similar community based activity please contact Savera UK via email: info@saverauk.co.uk | telephone: 0800 107 0726 or visit www.saverauk.co.uk

Alternatively, you can contact the LJMU's EDI Teamequality@ljmu.ac.uk

[ Image: Left: Payzee Malika (Guest Speaker),  Right: Afrah Qassim (Savera UK) - Event Opening 5th Nov 2019 ]

[ Image: Savera UK Youth Group - Live Performance ]


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