Grants and Projects Update

Grants and Projects Update

NEW Grants and Projects (GaP) software, which provides LJMU with a collaborative creative environment for anyone applying for external funding, and professional services, to work together on compelling bids and project proposals, is currently being built by a cross departmental team.

The software will supersede the existing Grant Application Record, P-form and, the requirement for a Project Code Request Form (for R coded projects) request form and Grant Application Record once launched. GaP will provide a more streamlined internal process for developing bids and projects and gaining necessary approvals.

Current Projected Timeline

•Complete system built by end of February 2019
•March and April 2019 User Acceptance Testing (UAT) with Academics and Professional Services – volunteers have already been selected
•May 2019 System in use by Research and Innovation Services (RIS) and Finance, Training begins for Academics

Following successful UAT, RIS and Finance will be delivering training across the University to ensure users are confident using the system before they are expected to begin using it.

If you have any questions at all about the GaP system, please email

There will be more introductory sessions/presentations on GaP taking place over the next few months so please keep an eye out for these events on the RIS Staff Pages  


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