New Researcher Development Opportunities:Dates Worth Saving

New Researcher Development Opportunities:Dates Worth Saving

New, exciting researcher development opportunities will be on offer over the coming months. Available only for limited numbers of researchers, it’s worth ‘saving the dates’.

In addition to the scheduled ACTivator workshops, there will be a range of development events focusing on media skills, raising your research profile, collaboration and writing for publication.

Kicking off with ‘Presenting Yourself for Video, Radio and Print’ on September 13th.  Facilitated by an award winning TV producer, this interactive workshop will include tips on how to come across well when talking to a lens, for voice over recording and in interviews for print, TV and radio. Using multiple video cameras the workshop will include role plays and fun exercises to hone media techniques and boost confidence.

On September 20th ‘Raising Your Research Profile’ will look at effective ways for you to make sure your hard work gets out there, attracts attention and makes a difference, both in your field and with the wider public.  We will look at how to improve your professional visibility, boost readership and citations, stay atop of latest developments and make key connections.

'Collaboration Counts' on October 2nd will look at the benefits and challenges of collaboration.  It will introduce you to a range of tools to help you find suitable collaborators and explore best practice when joining forces with other researchers. LJMU academics, from a range of disciplines, will be on hand to share their experiences and offer advice for getting the most from your collaborations.

Last but not least, a Researcher Writing Retreat, 9/10th December will give you the time, space and inspiration to get writing and produce a journal article. Gladstone's LibraryBased at the beautiful Gladstone’s Library, Hawarden, the retreat will be open (by application) to mentees on the REF Uplift Scheme in the first instance with any remaining places offered more widely.

Make a note of the dates and look out for more information on these events over the coming weeks. 

Details of scheduled ACTivator workshops for the remainder of 2019 can be found here:

To discuss your development needs, contact Mel Jones, Researcher Development Adviser:




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