Policy updates

Updates to policies

The Research Data Management Policy was updated last year. This policy is relevant to all LJMU staff and postgraduate research students.

SCP5 Electrical Safety was approved by ELT last year. This safety code of practice is relevant to all staff and contractors, particularly those who procure portable electrical equipment as it includes the procedures for inspection and maintenance. 

SCP46 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems has been replaced by SCP46 Drones. This code of practice is relevant to LJMU staff and students and details the process by which the University maintains its permit with the Civil Aviation Authority and describes the responsibilities of key personnel, as detailed in the University's Operations Manual. The code also mentions the use of personal drones and checks to be made if a third party drone operator is asked to undertake work on behalf of the University.

ECP3 Recycling and Waste Resource Management
ECP3 sets out objectives to underpin compliance and good practice in respect of waste management at the University.  This includes the diverting and minimising of waste generated, opportunities to enhance operational waste management, handling and storage, and aims to improve institutional recycling/reuse rates.   
The scope of ECP3 covers all University activities and operations, and directly supports delivery of the University Environment and Sustainability Policy.  As such ECP3 is relevant to all staff, and managers and supervisors are encouraged to engage their teams with this Code of Practice. 

ECP6 Biodiversity
ECP6 sets out objectives to support the University’s aim to enhance its biodiversity performance and, through this, to support the wellbeing of its students, staff and local community.  The Code includes objectives to meet all legislative obligations in respect of development on the estate that may impact on biodiversity levels, to identify opportunities to conserve and enhance existing habitats on campus, and to prevent pollution of the University’s immediate and surrounding habitats.
The scope of ECP6 covers all University activities and operations, and directly supports delivery of the University Environment and Sustainability Policy.  As such ECP6 is relevant to all staff, and managers and supervisors are encouraged to engage their teams with this Code of Practice. 

ECP7 Sustainable Travel
ECP7 confirms that LJMU is aware of the environmental impact of travel associated with University activity (including fleet and business travel), and sets out objectives to identify, monitor and reduce this impact.  This includes meeting all legislative obligations, identifying opportunities to enhance business travel arrangements and reduce associated emissions, and to continue to support staff, student and visitor access the the University.
The scope of ECP7 covers all University staff who travel to/from the University and who travel for University-related activity, and directly supports delivery of the University Environment and Sustainability Policy.  As such, managers and supervisors are encouraged to engage their teams with this Code of Practice. 

To view all policies visit the Policy Centre.

For further information and enquiries email: policies@ljmu.ac.uk


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