Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Staff Networks and Related Ally Groups

Did you know LJMU has a number of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Staff Networks and related Ally Groups, that LJMU and JMSU staff can join?

EDI Staff Networks: & Ally Groups

  • LJMU Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Staff Network
  • LJMU Dis-Ability Staff Network
  • LJMU Together (LGBTIQ+) Staff Network
  • LJMU Women Academics Network (Women Profs, Readers & Pre-Readers/ECR)

Equality Ally Groups

  • Race Equality Allies
  • Disability Equality Allies
  • LGBTIQ+ Equality Allies

If you would like to join any of the groups outlined above, please email equality@ljmu.ac.uk with your request and you will be added to the corresponding mailing list. After which, you will receive invites to network meetings, events and receive related information.

To find out more, please visit LJMU’s Equality Networks, Committees and Champions webpages.

Please note: Additional EDI related staff networks/support groups will be announced in due course 


Launch of Liverpool Centre for Olympic Research on Inclusion


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