"We all need to pull together on student employability"

“It takes a whole village to raise a child” the saying goes, and that’s certainly the case for LJMU’s ambitious new employability strategy which sets out a vision in which all of a student’s experience at LJMU contributes to their future professional success.

“It’s going to take effort and application from all of us - the whole university community,” said Chris Finn, Director of Student Futures, at yesterday’s ‘Town Hall’ meeting in the Student Life Building.

The strategy, approved on the eve of the Pandemic, hangs on two fundamental objectives: to level the employment playing field for LJMU students so they all enjoy fulfilling career trajectories regardless of their starting point; and to leverage our community assets and city region connections to assist in that mission.

It is not just about giving qualifications and skills but also forging graduates’ mindset, self-confidence, experience and personal planning.

Seeking suggestions

Chris and his team aim to mobilise and partner with both academic and professional services staff around the task and to also work with allies such as the Student Union and partner organisations in the city and beyond.

Some of their activities – like working with programme teams to embed a skills framework into the curriculum and developing a student skills self-assessment tool - will emerge over the coming months but they are seeking suggestions and ideas from all.

“We’re looking for successful initiatives already out there across LJMU, in particular for creating work-based learning opportunities,” Chris said.

Placements will make up only part of a target of 7,000 work-based learning opportunities and ideas for other models that connect students with the outside world, allowing them to learn while making a positive difference, are invited.

For any staff who couldn’t attend yesterday’s event, have a look at Chris’s ‘virtual tour’ of the Student Futures facilities at SLB and check out the Student Futures About Us document - an overview of our strategy.


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