Scheme helps LJMU employ more local people of colour

Scheme helps LJMU employ more local people of colour

Positive Action Trainees

A new scheme, Positive Action Training (PAT), helping local people of colour enter employment at LJMU has been launched by the Vice-Chancellor (interim).

Positive Action is a measure of addressing the under-representation of people from Black, Asian and other Minority Ethnic communities in the workforce.

It came about as a result of LJMU’s drive to ensure our workforce reflects the rich diversity of the community we serve and contribute to promoting a sense of belonging for both staff and students. LJMU is one of the largest employers in the city with more than 2,000 staff and over 22,000 students. We do not want to just be a university in Liverpool but to also engage with the various communities represented in our staff and student bodies in a meaningful way.

Mark Power welcomed the first 12 trainees on the programme, which combines workplace learning and training. All from Liverpool, the dozen trainees have joined us for two years and will contribute to teams in IT services, Corporate Communications, Estate Management, Faculty of Engineering, Library, Information & Archives services and Student Recruitment.


Isaac Nyame, who has joined IT, said: “I have done some short courses and placements with Microsoft and now, having the opportunity to be a part of the bigger picture at LJMU makes me super-excited. I will give my best in the IT services department and explore the many opportunities LJMU has for me as a trainee.”

Esther Akinsanya, part of the Corporate Communications team, said: “Among the many reasons why I joined LJMU, one stands pretty tall which is its commitment to serving people and the communities. This is very much evident in LJMU’s footprints around Liverpool and I wanted to be a part of such a community. I hope that with this training, I can develop effective communication strategies and skills in design and branding in order to pursue a career in communications.”

Tina Purkis, Executive Director of HR said: “We are keen to improve representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people within LJMU’s workforce as that creates a more diverse and inclusive environment. Our aim is to give these new team members meaningful work experience and the opportunities they deserve. I really enjoyed meeting them on their first day and wish them every success at LJMU."

Mark Power joined the trainees’ induction at Exchange Station together with the HR Director and the EDI Manager and said: “LJMU is the first university nationally to set up a programme like this" within professional services, adding that the university “is committed to this programme and will develop you as we would like to see you thrive and possibly become a permanent staff of the university”.


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