Returning to campus

Welcome back and happy new year – the university has now fully reopened, and we look forward to seeing you on campus. 

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Student message from the Registrar

Dear students,

Welcome back and happy new year – the university has now fully reopened, and we look forward to seeing you on campus. 

The purpose of this message is to reassure you that the university is prioritising your experience both within your learning environment and across all campus activities to make sure that you have the best support and opportunity to enjoy your studies and make the most of your time at LJMU.

There are some continuing guidelines we require everyone to observe to make sure we can keep you all safe:

  • So wear a face covering whilst on campus
  • Take a lateral flow test on the days you are attending university, to make sure you are negative (we have plenty of boxes of tests available on campus for you)
  • Get your vaccination and booster to protect yourself

Some of you may have to self-isolate or record an absence if you are sick, you must do this through MyLJMU  so that we can keep in touch with you to make sure you are alright and we can support you in your studies.

Your timetable remains the same with your scheduled face-to-face teaching on campus.  However, there may be occasions due to staff absence for short periods, when some of your learning might briefly move on-line.  This will be in exceptional circumstances only and your programme team will keep you fully informed via canvas and direct email.

The semester has already started with on-line and in-class exams this week, some of you are now on your professional placement and we are welcoming new students who start their academic year in January.

Best of luck to everyone taking your exams and welcome to our new students.  I will provide regular updates as we progress through this semester.

With my best wishes,


Professor Clare Milsom

Registrar and Chief Operating Officer



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