Study for Success courses

Supporting our students

Academic colleagues are encouraged to highlight this year’s Study for Success Canvas course to students.

The course has been designed by the Teaching and Learning Academy and the Academic Achievement team to support students’ academic induction into the university.

It includes information on the range of support available and the key aspects of studying at university, such as how to use Canvas and other learning technologies, how to access and navigate the university campus and its support services and how to approach new study practices and assessment expectations. 

The course is available in both undergraduate and postgraduate versions, in recognition of differing entry points and distinct challenges faced by these groups. 

All level 3, 4 and 7 students have been programmatically enrolled onto the courses and many are already engaging with the resources and activities within them. Both versions provide information fundamental to studying at LJMU; the PG version is differentiated to include a greater focus on independence and research skills.  

To support ongoing induction and transition, the course will be regularly updated at key points in the student learning journey, such as curriculum enhancement week and assessment period.

Canvas announcements will be used to signpost students to information at times that are most appropriate to their studies. Online chats and discussion boards, as well as promotion of on-campus activities that support study, will be used to encourage ongoing engagement. 

Staff are invited to highlight these courses to students and, where appropriate, create links to them in their own Canvas courses and programme documentation.

Teaching staff might also facilitate students taking the quizzes within the course in the early weeks of teaching, as these are designed to consolidate knowledge of the university’s induction materials and messages.  


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