Academic Registry Roadshows

Colleagues from Academic Registry are planning a series of awareness raising sessions open to all academic staff.

During the informal one-hour sessions, the team will give a short talk outlining the work of Academic Registry followed by a Q& A session where staff can better understand and identify where further support can be provided.

Each event will be held in person, on campus, from 8.30am to 9.30am and breakfast will be provided.

The team hope that these informal style sessions will be useful to all academic colleagues regardless of role, grade or length of time in post at LJMU.

The first two sessions will be held in December and will focus on Timetabling, followed by a session in January that will be delivered by the Student Governance Team.

There will be further sessions in February and March.

Register your attendance. Please provide any dietary requirements via email to Kathryn Judge.


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