Opportunities for panel chair and members

Academic colleagues are invited to express an interest in becoming a panel member or chair for our Validation and Periodic Programme Reviews.

These roles are key to ensuring that new and existing LJMU provision meets nationally defined standards, complies with the university's own regulations and provides an appropriate quality of learning opportunities for students.

Being a chair/panel member provides a valuable staff development opportunity; you will gain insight into how programmes operate across the university in a variety of different disciplines to your own.

The process provides opportunities to learn from and contribute to teaching, learning and assessment discussions with peers in a supportive and collegiate framework. 


Up to month before the event, you will receive electronically a package of documentation with a request to read and provide feedback via a standard template (normally due one week prior to the event). 

On the day of the event, you will attend a series of meetings (via MS Teams) with the programme team, senior managers in the school and students. 

The panel has the authority to approve (or re-approve) the programme(s). The chair is responsible for providing the outcome to the programme team in the final meeting, based on the decisions made collectively by the panel. 

Chairs for collaborative panels must have previous experience of either the role of chair or university panel rep on collaborative or internal events.   

The events listed here have confirmed dates for their online validation/review events (via MS Teams). More event dates will be advertised in due course. 

How to get involved

If you are interested in taking part in one of these events and becoming a panel member/chair – or would like more information, please email the Curriculum Development and Review Team.

In your email, please indicate which event you would like to assist with, noting that you may not sit on a panel covering programmes from your own school.

Each panel will comprise

  • Chair (normally a senior member of academic staff - eg Faculty PVC, Director of School, Subject Leader)
  • University panel representative (an academic member of staff)
  • External panel representative (subject specialist from another university)
  • Student panel representative
  • Event Officer (from Academic Registry)


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