January Media Highlights

LJMU knowledge and expertise hit the headlines in January with stories and commentary in New Scientist, The Independent, BBC News 24, The Liverpool Echo, BBC 5 Live and more.

Here are some of our highlights:

- Daniel Perley (ARI) – Independent – How Black Holes form - new research.

- George Wilson (Sport & Exercise Sciences) – Sky Sports – Commentary on a dispute between the racing industry and the jockey's union on riding weights and jockey's welfare.

- Paul Fergus and Carl Chalmers (Computing & Maths) – New Scientist – new AI to detect animals in the wild

- Andre Keil (History) – Liverpool Echo - The plight of homosexuals and other groups/Holocaust Remembrance Day

- Renske Smit (ARI) - BBC News 24 – Commentary explaining the mission and excitement around the James Webb Telescope (BBC interview no longer available)

- Peter Falkingham (Biological & Environmental Sciences) – Wales Online - Peter is part of a team led by the Natural History Museum, which identified dinosaur tracks in S. Wales

The Conversation

Jan 14 - Neil Simcock (Biological & Environmental Sciences) posits that means-testing support for fuel-poor households will leave millions in hardship.

Jan 12 - Daniel Perley (ARI, as above) It’s long been a mystery how black holes form, now astronomers are on the verge of cracking it. 

Jan 12 - Rob Erskine (Sport & Exercise Sciences) Although ‘training to failure’ may be popular among people who regularly lift weights, it might not be as beneficial as some claim, writes Rob.

Jan 7 - Sarah Schiffling (LBS)  Supply Chains in 2022: Some of the problems are easing but there will be more turbulence in supplies


Laser Run added to Invictus Games 2027 thanks to influence of LJMU


LJMU showcases advanced practice training to NHS partners


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