New performance review and development system

Following a successful pilot scheme, from next week all staff will be able to access a brand new system to take ownership of their development and objectives.

Actus is a secure online platform where you will be able to record information relating to your work objectives, track your catch-ups, prepare for your appraisals and record the progress of your targets.

The feedback from the teams that have trialled the system has been extremely positive, with colleagues saying it is a big improvement on our previous paper-based approach.

We have arranged some short online training sessions to show you the new platform and how we will all use it for our appraisals and objective settings. You can find the dates and joining details for those sessions here.

The online sessions will help to answer any questions you may have about Actus. Please also speak to your line manager if you need any further information.

You can also find out more in this short video.



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