Greening up our campus

Spending time in nature can have a positive impact on our mental health in many ways; from increasing mood, relieving feelings of stress and anxiety, and encouraging us to be more active. As the weather improves, this is the perfect opportunity to discover what the outdoors has to offer.

This National Gardening Week (1-7 May) we are encouraging staff to support their own self-care as well as to contribute in a positive way to the environment.

You could take a short walk on your lunch break, de-stress with family or friends in a local green space or learn how to grow your own.

We’re also keen for staff to help us to ‘green up’ our campus this year by getting involved in various opportunities at the:

  • Tithebarn Building mini allotment
  • Byrom St campus – development of urban wildlife, beehives, bird hides and herb garden
  • John Lennon Art and Design Building Outdoor Learning Space

All staff are welcome to get involved, whether you have green fingers and lots of gardening experience or have never gardened before. You could really help to create some great new campus green spaces.

If you are interested in being involved with any of the above, please complete an online form.

Any questions please contact Liz Cousins, and keep an eye out for upcoming staff events.


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