Finance policy updates

A message from Hannah Argo, Finance Director:

The Financial Regulations are the overarching financial policy document for the institution. Other financial policy documents sit within this overarching framework.

We have completely rewritten the University Financial Regulations to make them easier to use, provide increased clarity and to signpost other relevant key supporting policies.

A new Sustainable Procurement Policy has also been added to the Policy Centre to accompany and support the Financial Regulations.

We have also revised the Expenses Policy and Procedures with updated subsistence rates and improved clarity.  

The following policies have also recently been reviewed, and many have received minor revisions:

  • Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Policy – minor wording changes
  • Ethical Investment Policy – minor wording changes
  • Financial Due Diligence Policy - improved clarity and ease of use.
  • Treasury Management Policy – minor wording changes
  • Tax Strategy and Policy – no change
  • Counter-Fraud Policy – no change
  • Criminal Finances Act Policy - no change
  • Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy & Procedures, including  Gifts & Hospitality - minor wording changes
    • Gifts and Hospitality Register Template (*Downloadable form)
  • Credit Card Policy, (including Application and User agreement forms) - minor wording changes

Policies can be accessed via the LJMU Policy Centre and staff can use the search function, using the name of the policy, to access the relevant document.

If you have any issues accessing the policies, please do not hesitate to email the policies inbox for further support.


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