Dr Aggelos Panayiotopoulos
Liverpool Business School
Faculty of Business and Law
Email: A.Panayiotopoulos@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 2270
Dr. Aggelos Panayiotopoulos is a Senior Lecturer in International Tourism Management at Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University and an Associate Editor of the Journal of Place Management and Development.
Aggelos' research focuses on tourism development adopting a critical perspective. Drawing on Political Discourse Theory, my work unpicks the political, cultural and spatial aspects of tourism and its impact on places and people. Encompassing a scholar activist perspective, my research engages with the changes and impacts of tourism and heritage on place and people, as well as resistance to them. Finally, Aggelos has an interest in and has published work on critical/emancipatory pedagogies.
Aggelos has taught extensively at various institutions in Greece, the United Kingdom and Ireland on topics including, but not limited to Tourism Development, Tourism Management, Tourism and Place, Sustainable Development, and Research Philosophy and Methodology. Furhtermore, he has served as an external examiner for a number of undergraduate and postgraduate tourism programmes at other UK institutions.
Greek, Modern (1453-)
2017, Department of Management and Marketing, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, Ireland, PHD
2006, University of Brighton, United Kingdom, PgDip in Research Methodology
2001, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, MSc in Tourism Policy and Management
2000, School of Business Administration, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Patras, Greece, BA (Ptychion) in Tourism Business Administration
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer in International Tourism Management, Liverpool Business School, Liverpool John Moores University, 2020 - present
Lecturer in Tourism Management, Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University, 2018 - 2020
Lecturer in Tourism and Events, School of Sport and Service Management, University of Brighton, 2018 - 2018
PT Lecturer i Tourism and Marketing, Kemmy Business School, University of Limerick, 2012 - 2017
Lecturer in Tourism, Hotel & Tourism Management, Alpine College, The Swiss Business School for Hotel & Tourism Management Studies, 2009 - 2010
PT Lecturer in Tourism, School of Service Management, University of Brighton, 2003 - 2008
Journal article
Kanellopoulou E, Panayiotopoulos A, Pavlidis SA. 2024. Cultural heritage beyond juridification: towards a place-first research agenda Journal of Place Management and Development, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A, Lichrou M. 2023. From the streets to the classroom: power analysis as a tool for critical pedagogy Journal of Marketing Management, 39 :92-107 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A, Pisano C. 2019. Overtourism dystopias and socialist utopias: Towards an urban armature for dubrovnik Tourism Planning and Development, 16 :393-410 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
O'Flynn M, Panayiotopoulos A. 2015. Activism and the academy in Ireland: A bridge for social justice Studies in Social Justice, 9 :54-69 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A, Melis C. Tourism and Partnership Fields - A Summary Tourism, Culture and Communication, 24 DOI Publisher Url
Melis C, Panayiotopoulos A. An Introduction to Tourism and Partnership Fields Melis C, Panayiotopoulos A. Tourism, Culture and Communication, 24 DOI Publisher Url
Scholarly edition
Melis C, Panayiotopoulos A. 2024. Special Issue: Tourism and Partnership Fields Publisher Url
Lichrou M, Panayiotopoulos A. 2021. Marketing a sense of place to tourists: A critical perspective Sharpley R. Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience Routledge DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A, Pisano C. 2021. Overtourism Dystopias and Socialist Utopias: Toward an Urban Armature for Dubrovnik Milano C, Novelli M, Cheer JM. Travel and Tourism in the Age of Overtourism Routledge 978-0-367-69152-3 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A, Lichrou M, O'Malley L, Patterson M. 2018. Heritage as embodied co-creation: 'Living the history' of the Titanic in Cobh Cultural Heritage :85-96 Routledge 9781138092822 Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A, Lichrou M, O’Malley L, Patterson M. 2018. Heritage as embodied co-creation Cultural Heritage :85-96 Routledge DOI Publisher Url
Conference publication
Panayiotopoulos A, Patterson M, Burns P. 2015. Genealogy of Tourism Development: A Critical Marketing Approach AM2015 - The Magic in Marketing Publisher Url Public Url
Panayiotopoulos A. Overtourism Dystopias and Utopias: Towards a new Urban Agenda Mobilities Transforming Destinations. Urban and Regional Policies, Digital Regulatory Mechanisms, and Place Prosperity and Sustainability. POLITUR
Lichrou M, Panayiotopoulos A. Heritage of Migration and Place: Narratives of Dispossession, Belonging and Resistance 4th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, 27-29 November 2019
Panayiotopoulos A, Lichrou M. Teaching sustainability critically: a scholar activist perspective. AMI 2023 Businesses and Society – The UN Sustainable Development Goals: Exploring their relevance and application
Panayiotopoulos A. (Re)thinking Discourse and Place: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development in Faliraki, Rhodes Advances in Management and Innovation
Panayiotopoulos A, Lichrou M. Connecting People and Place: Narratives of Dispossession, Belonging and Resistance
Panayiotopoulos A, Patterson M. Re)thinking Discourse and Place: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development in Faliraki, Rhodes Advances in Management and Innovation
Panayiotopoulos A, Lichrou M. Connecting People and Place: Narratives of Dispossession, Belonging and Resistance 6th Corfu Symposium of Managing and Marketing Places
Panayiotopoulos A, Pisano C. Welcome to Dubrovnik: Overtourism Dystopias and Socialst Utopias 5th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places
Lichrou M, Panayiotopoulos A, O'Malley L, Patterson M. Embodied Heritage Experiences of a Dystopic Event: ‘Living the History’ of the Titanic in Cobh
Panayiotopoulos A, Patterson M, Burns P. Local Perceptions of Mass Tourists: The Tourist Gaze through the Lenses of Power 4th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places
Panayiotopoulos A, Patterson M, Burns P. (Re)thinking Tourism Discourse and Place: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development in Faliraki, Rhodes
Panayiotopoulos A, Paterson M, Burns P. Community Participation Discourses in Tourism Policy and Planning: A Critical Management Studies Approach 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management
Other Professional Activity:
Granada Institute of Visual Anthropology. Short Course in Ethnographic Documentary, https://granadacentre.co.uk/short-course-ethnographic-documentary/. 2025
Internal PGR examination DBA Candidate Patrice O'Reilly Duffy Title: The strategic role of talent management in addressing the skills gap in the Irish hospitality industry. 2024
Conference organisation:
2025 RSA Anual Conference Navigating Regional Transformation, Coorganiser of SS64: Tourism and Heritage: (Poly)crisis and Entanglement Session Organisers: Aggelos Panayiotopoulos, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Jenny Kanellopoulou, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Nikos Ntounis, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Session Description: The recognised role of heritage in national and regional identities (Goulding and Domic, 2009; Ashworth, 2013; Smith, 2017), regeneration and interpretation is stressed by academics, communities, local/regional/national authorities and businesses alike; in some cases, unproblematically and uncritically, entangled with tourism development as a solution to any given crisis, as a panacea that cures all ills. The session calls for researchers to critically reflect on heritage as a space for contested meanings, as a product of social, historical and legal processes (Kanellopoulou et al., 2024); a resource for interpretation of (new?) meanings , including authorised and alternative discourses, identities and social relationships, as well as cultural strategies and tourist development in an environment of polycrisis (Bianchi and Milano, 2024). Ashworth, G. J. (2013). From history to heritage–from heritage to identity: in search of concepts and models. In Ashworth, G. and Larkham, P. (Eds) Building A New Heritage (RLE Tourism) (pp. 13-30). Routledge. Bianchi, R. V., & Milano, C. (2024). Polycrisis and the metamorphosis of tourism capitalism. Annals of Tourism Research, 104, 103731. Goulding, C. and Domic, D., 2009. Heritage, identity and ideological manipulation: The case of Croatia. Annals of Tourism Research, 36(1), pp.85-102. Kanellopoulou, E., Panayiotopoulos, A., & Pavlidis, S. A. (2024). Cultural heritage beyond juridification: towards a place-first research agenda. Journal of Place Management and Development, 17(2), 220-236. Smith, L. (2017). Heritage, identity and power. Citizens, Civil Society and Heritage-Making in Asia, 15-39. Indicative themes: Critical Heritage Studies Regional Cultural Policies Heritagisation Tourism/Touristification Crisis/polycrisis Aesthetization Place making Regeneration Politics/geopolitics International and EU Cultural Heritage Law, https://www.regionalstudies.org/news/2025-rsa-annual-special-sessions/#!. 2025
Ninth International Conference on Tourism & Leisure Studies, Co-Chair, https://tourismandleisurestudies.com/about/history/2024-conference. 2024
Ninth International Conference on Tourism & Leisure Studies, Community Panel - "A Dynamic Nexus: Tourism, Communities, and the Arts" organiser and chair, https://tourismandleisurestudies.com/about/history/2024-conference. 2024
2024 RSA Annual Conference Global Challenges, Regional Collaboration and the Role of Places, Co-organiser of SS59: Cultural Aspects of Regional Development (Open Session) Session Organisers: Jenny Kanellopoulou, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Aggelos Panayiotopoulos, Liverpool John Moores, UK Nikos Ntounis, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK The aim of this open session is to broaden the discussion on the role and the impact of alternative, popular and counter-cultures on the development of regions and places. The panel seeks to explore cultures and groups often overseen or neglected in the broader discussion of regional development and while doing so, also address issues of belonging and spatial inequality on sub-national level. The panel welcomes contributions on the topic of – for instance – alternative festivals and events (including music, tattoo or food festivals and pride events), dark and alternative types of tourism, urban squats and resistance to gentrification, protests and activism in the form of cultural events, and other forms of cultural expression and participation that are characterised as popular/ alternative/ fringe or provocative. The panel is further open to innovative methodological and epistemological contributions pertaining to the above issues (including – for instance – queer and feminist approaches), aiming to revisit the concepts of regional culture and heritage, whilst considering how alternative cultures can affect genius loci and place identity, https://www.regionalstudies.org/news/2024annual-special-sessions/?fbclid=IwAR3JSjqJciwAfU7UhFDnz7L8aSd4NquAIK3Tp8nchNtJdCW1Ly82gg6AzUQ#!. 2024
Northern Tourism Academics Network (NTAN) event, https://www.hospitality-now.co.uk/event/northern-tourism-academics-network-ntan-event-at-liverpool-john-moores-university/. 2024
Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group Symposium, Co-organiser. 2023
2023 RSA Annual Conference Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places, Co-organiser of SS16: Regional Challenges in Culture: Moving Beyond Tangible-Intangible Heritage Session Organisers: Jenny Kanellopoulou, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Nikos Ntounis, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK Aggelos Panayiotopoulos, Liverpool John Moores University, UK Session Description: The proposed panel seeks to address the issues of misalignment between Intangible (ICH) and Tangible Cultural Heritage (TCH) in urban ensembles. It follows the impact of touristification /gentrification on these urban ensembles, once established as protected under the relevant UNESCO Conventions, and examines the deleterious effects the over-promotion of TCH can have on those aspects of ICH that ultimately contribute to the urban ensemble’s protected character, including the disposition of the local population and the changes in the fabric of everyday life. It seeks to shift the focus on the theoretical gap between the two terms and explore the Digital Heritage (DH) narrative as a common conceptual basis, bridging any theoretical gaps in the Cultural Heritage protection narrative by incorporating a multi-stakeholder approach that will enable the multiplicity of voices that make up the protected place to be heard. The panel seeks to attract interdisciplinary approach on the topic, under the unifying umbrella of cultural management and regional development, and it is open for a discussion on cultural heritage protection and management from a holistic, developmental perspective., https://www.regionalstudies.org/news/2023-rsa-annual-special-sessions/#!. 2023
Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group Symposium, Co-organiser. 2022
Conference presentation:
The Collapse of Colossus: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism in Crisis, 2025 RSA Annual Conference Navigating Regional Transformation, Porto, Portugal, Oral presentation, https://www.regionalstudies.org/events/rsa25/. 2025
The politics of memory: when does heritage stop being invisible and become difficult? Conserving sites of National Resistance, exile, and torture in Greece: from World War II through the Military Dictatorship (1940s-1970s)., 2025 RSA Annual Conference Navigating Regional Transformation, Porto, Portugal, Oral presentation, https://www.regionalstudies.org/events/rsa25/. 2025
Cultural Attractions on the Fringe: Red History Museum, Dubrovnik, 2024 RSA Annual Conference Global Challenges, Regional Collaboration and the Role of Places, Florence, Italy, Oral presentation, https://www.regionalstudies.org/events/2024rsaannualconf/. 2024
Can we be courageous in teaching sustainable development? A scholar activist perspective, LJMU Research and Knowledge Exchange Conference 2023, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2023
Tourism research goes to the movies: ‘Being John Malkovich’ as a parable for tourism development, Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group Symposium, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2023
Cultural Heritage and Social transformation: A symbiotic relationship?, 2023 RSA Annual Conference Transforming Regions: Policies and Planning for People and Places, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Oral presentation. 2023
Teaching sustainability critically: a scholar activist perspective, Advances in Management and Inovation, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Oral presentation. 2023
The Collapse of Colossus: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism in Dangerous Times, Critical Tourism Studies Conference IX, Menorca, Oral presentation. 2022
The Collapse of Colossus: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism in Crisis, Tourism, Travel, Culture and Heritage Research Group Symposium, LJMU, Oral presentation. 2022
From the Streets to the Classroom: A Power Analysis as a Tool for Critical Pedagogy, Academy of Marketing Conference 2001: Framing Marketing Priorities, online, Oral presentation. 2021
Dystopias and Utopias: Towards a New Urban Agenda, Mobilities Transforming Destinations. Urban and Regional Policies, Digital Regulatory Mechanisms, and Place Prosperity and Sustainability, Universitat of Rovira i Virgili, Oral presentation. 2020
(Re)thinking Discourse and Place: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development in Faliraki, Rhodes, Advances in Management and Innovation, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Oral presentation. 2020
Heritage of Migration and Place: Narratives of Dispossession, Belonging and Resistance, 4th Annual Conference of the International Place Branding Association, University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece, Oral presentation. 2019
Rethinking Overtourism in Dubrovnik: Towards an Urban Armature, Touristification Impossible: Tourism Development, Over-tourism and Anti-tourism Sentiments in Context, University of Leicester, Oral presentation. 2019
Connecting People and Place: Narratives of Dispossession, Belonging and Resistance, 6th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places, Corfu, Oral presentation. 2019
(Re)Thinking Coastal Resorts: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies at Faliraki, Rhodes, ATHE Annual Conference 2017, University of Brighton, Oral presentation. 2018
Embodied Heritage Experiences of a Dystopic Event: ‘Living the History’ of the Titanic in Cobh, 5th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places, Corfu, Oral presentation. 2018
Welcome to Dubrovnik: Overtourism Dystopias and Socialst Utopias, 5th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places, Corfu, Oral presentation. 2018
Tourism, Place and Power: Local Experiences of Tourism Development, Institute of Place Management 4th International Biennial Conference, Manchester Metropolitan University, Oral presentation. 2017
Local Perceptions of Mass Tourists: The Tourist Gaze through the Lenses of Power, 4th Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places, Corfu, Oral presentation. 2017
“We Shall Live Together”: Insights into the Shifting Discourses of the Refugee Crisis, International Society of Markets and Development 14th Biennial Conference, Lima, Peru, Oral presentation. 2016
Tourism Development: What Have we Learned from Four Decades of Critique?, International Society of Markets and Development 14th Biennial Conference, Lima, Peru, Oral presentation. 2016
Realising Macromarketing’s Potential for Emancipatory Education and Scholar-Activism,, 41st Annual Macromarketing Conference, Trinity College Dublin, Oral presentation. 2016
(Re)thinking Tourism Discourse and Place: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development in Faliraki, Rhodes, 3rd Corfu Symposium on Managing and Marketing Places, Corfu, Oral presentation. 2016
Activism in Education (or) Education in Activism, The Crisis and Academia (or) The Crisis in Academia, University of Limerick, Oral presentation. 2015
Scholar-Activism: Creating Spaces for Education and Action, Remembering Noël Browne, 1915-97: Reflections on Radicalism, Welfare & Social Change in Modern Ireland, University of Galway, Oral presentation. 2015
Genealogy of Tourism Development: A Critical Marketing Approach,, Academy of Marketing 2015 Conference, University of Limerick, Oral presentation. 2015
Critical Tourism Geographies and the North-South Divide: Revisiting the Political Economy of Tourism in the Third World, Geographies of Neoliberalism and Resistance After the Crisis: The State, Violence, and Labour, University of Oxford, Oral presentation. 2014
Community Participation Discourses in Tourism Policy and Planning: A Critical Management Studies Approach, 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management, University of Limerick, Oral presentation. 2012
Participation and Partnerships in the Problematisation of Tourism in a Greek Setting: A Critical Management Studies Perspective, The Athens Tourism Symposium, Athens, Greece, Oral presentation. 2012
Imagine there's no Barriers: Power, Participation and Polemics in the making of tourism in a Greek setting,, 5th International Symposium on Aspects of Tourism, University of Brighton, Oral presentation. 2006
Editorial boards:
Journal of Place Management and Development, Associate Editor, https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jpmd. 2024
Frontiers in Sustainable Tourism, Review Editor. 2022
Other invited event:
Guest Lecture: Tourism and Development in Yugoslavia, Department of History, Geography and Social Sciences, Edge Hill University, Tourism and Development in Yugoslavia The lecture will explore lived experiences of Eastern European Communism beyond the stereotypes, in the context of what some historians have termed ‘socialist consumerism’ in the later part of the Communist period. We will do this via an examination of a case study of tourism in socialist Yugoslavia – about which our guest speaker, a specialist on political, cultural and spatial aspects of tourism, has recently published research. How did tourism in Yugoslavia in general, including Croatia and the city of Dubrovnik in particular, link to socialist ideas of development? And how far was Yugoslavia exceptional in a broader Eastern European context?. 2024
Youth Employment in Transition: Regional Perspectives within Succesive Crises, Athens, Greece, Invited to comment on policy recommendation of the CoWork4Youth Project's conference alongside industry, government and academic experts in the field: Coordinator: Ioannis Papageorgiou (RP) Nikolaos Ntavos, Manager of Bioeconomy & Environment Cluster of Western Macedonia Maria Karamessini, Professor of Labour Economics and Economics of the Welfare State, Panteion University Aggelos Panayiotopoulos, Senior Lecturer in International Tourism Management, Liverpool John Moores University Q&A https://www.cowork4youth.org/index.php/conference/. 2023
Marketing a sense of place to tourists, Swansea University, A guest lecture for the MSc in International Tourism Management students and staff on the Critical Tourism Theory Module. I discussed my published book chapter with the same title.. 2022
The Collapse of Colossus: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development, University of Hertfordshire, Invited presentation for the Research seminar for the Visitor Economy Research group. 2021
The Collapse of Colossus: Beautific and Horrific Fantasies of Tourism Development, University of Leicester, Invited research seminar talk for the Tourism and Place Making Research Unit (TAPLAM), University of Leicester. 2020
Reclaiming Place as ‘Home’: Lived Experience, Meaning and Space, Faculty of Urban and Regional Development, HSE Universtity, Moscow, https://gorod.hse.ru/en/announcements/325270127.html The notion of ‘home’ connects people with place. Using the case studies of Santorini and Dubrovnik, we explore how lived experience and socio-spatial analysis can contribute to a critical discussion of local identity and use of space. Lived experience, in the case of Santorini, was explored through the use of narrative interviewing where ‘home’ emerged as a vanishing yet important sense of place. In Dubrovnik, socio-spatial analysis proposed a new urban armature. Going beyond mere structural support, this urban armature brings together space and meaning, to facilitate shared experiences that bind communities together. Thus, place is reimagined as home.. 2019
Interpretive Consumer Research Cluster Seminar, University of Limerick, I presented my research titled: Tracing the Spatial Imprint of Tourism Development: A Peripatetic Ethnography of Faliraki, Rhodes. 2019
Toward Constructive Engagement and Social Justice in Marketing and Development, Lima, Peru, Participation at the special session panel titled Toward Constructive Engagement and Social Justice in Marketing and Development, at the International Society of Markets and Development 14th Biennial Conference. 2016
Media Coverage:
Coverage of a guest talk for students of DOBA university, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2023
Panel participation on Cultural Heritage Management and Tourism. Attendance of MPs and local politicians in Rhodes, Greece 2023
Institute of Place Management (IPM) Blog
Mention of my best paper submitted by a doctoral student award 2016
Appeared on Irish UTV's Evening News to comment on the Greek crisis 2015
Institute of Place Management Fellow, Institute of Place Management. 2023
External PGR examinations performed:
University of Leicester, PhD, European Smart City Politics: Conception, Perception and Lived Experience in the cases of the EU, Amsterdam and Barcelona. 2019
Research Grants Awarded:
Academy of Marketing, Heritage Consumption and Memories of Migration, Grant value (£): 4980, Duration of research project: 12 months. 2019
Public engagement:
Participatory research, Architects, Urban Designers, Dubrovnik's Council, the general public, Participant, Researcher, Urban Transcripts Workshop Series, Dubrovnik, Overbooking the City, Worked with a group of architects to address the issues of overtourism in Dubrovnik and design an Urban Armature for the city's Council, https://www.urbantranscripts.org/project/overbooking-the-city/. 2017
Other, Members of the Limerick Council of Trade Unions and the general public, Coordinated a programme for political education for the Limerick Council of Trade Unions., Organiser, Mechanics Institute, Limerick, Volunteer Coordinator of the Educational Programme of the Mechanic's Institute, Limerick Council of Trade Unions, I coordinated a series of talks and workshops. 2017
Public talk or lecture, Academics, Trade Unionists, Activists, Co-organiser and speaker, Framing Financial Crisis and Protest: North-West and South-East Europe. The Open University. A Leverhulme funded project, Mechanics Institute, Scholarship and Activism Workshop, The workshop was part of 'The Crisis and Academia (or) The Crisis in Academia conference (24-27 November 2015). It aimed to bring together academics, trade unionists and social movements' activists to address the following questions: (a) Is it possible to advance egalitarian theory and practice within institutions that are anti-egalitarian? (b) Can radical academics presume to speak for the working class? Can the working class find a voice within academia? (c) Is it possible for self-auditing academics to develop emancipatory forms of research? (d) Is it possible/necessary to develop radical education, scholarship and research-based activism outside of/apart from professional academia?, https://www5.open.ac.uk/arts/research/finance-crisis-protest/workshops/limerick-workshop/workshop-programme. 2015
Demonstration, General public, political parties, trade unions, Co-organiser and Public Speaker, Dublin, Greek Solidarity Rally, Rally in solidarity with Greece, https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/thousands-attend-dublin-rally-to-show-their-solidarity-with-greece/31351783.html. 2015
Other, General public, Advocacy and organising, Founding member, Ireland, Greek Solidarity Committee, Advocacy work. The Greek Solidarity Committee was formed to support the Greek opposition to austerity and the campaign against the Greek Bailout referendum in 2015, https://www.leftarchive.ie/organisation/6097/. 2015
Other, Precarious academic staff, permanent academic staff, trade unionists, the general public, Public conference and organising meeting, co-organiser, A public conference and organising meeting as part of the President of Ireland's Ethics Initiative, University of Limerick, Ethics in Higher Education: the increasing casualisation of teaching within a public discourss of quality and excellence, A public conference and organising meeting as part of the President of Ireland's Ethics Initiative, https://9thlevel.ie/2014/12/03/ethics-in-higher-education-and-precarious-employment-seminar-and-workshop-university-of-limerick-9-december/. 2014
Other, Trade unioin members and the general public, Newspaper publication, Editorial board member of The Bottom Dog newspaper, Limerick, Ireland, Editorial board member of The Bottom Dog newspaper, A project that revived a historical local newspaper that was used as a vehicle to bring together trade unionists, academics and activists.. 2014
Public talk or lecture, general public, Invited speaker, Teachers Club, Dublin, Greek Crisis Event: Will it Bring Barbarism or Socialism?, This was a public event to open the conversation about the crisis and engage with the Irish public. I spoke at it alongside Professor Helena Sheehan., https://www.facebook.com/events/537908866302846/?ref=newsfeed. 2013
Best doctoral paper award - 4th Corfu symposium on managing and marketing places, IPM. 2017
Best doctoral paper award - 3rd Corfu Symposium on Managng and Marketing Places, IPM, https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/congratulations-our-prize-winning-authors-heather-skinner/. 2016
External committees:
Board of Debt and Development Coalition Ireland, Debt and Development Coalition Ireland (now renamed to Financial Justice Ireland), Board Member, https://www.financialjustice.ie/. 2014