Image of Dr Rajab Ghandour

Dr Rajab Ghandour

Liverpool Business School

Faculty of Business and Law

Dr. Rajab Ghandour is a Senior Lecturer in Business Intelligence and Data Analysis. Once gained his masters from University of Greenwich; he worked as Research and Development Manager. In that role, he further enhanced his knowledge and practical experience in business solutions, project management,digital transformation, information systems, systems development, system integration and document management solutions.

After spending 10+ years in the industry Rajab went into academia to pursue his PhD. After completed his PhD Rajab has worked in academia. He has worked as course director and programme leader in the last 8 years, successfully leading both UG and PG courses. In addition to that, he developed new courses and modules across different levels mainly related to BI, digital marketing and social media marketing. Rajab is a reviewer at highly ranked academic journals such as International Journal of Information Management, Enterprise Information Systems, Electronic Commerce Research and Information System Frontiers. Dr Rajab Ghandour contributes to academia through teaching, research, PhD supervision, curriculum development, and serving as an external examiner at various institutions. In addition to his academic and research work he provided consultancy for a variety of organisations and businesses. Rajab provided some interviews regarding social media:

Musk putting Twitter behind paywall for Fortune Magazine (2022) : (

Zurberg's Monster: Is Facebook Invincible (2018)? (


University of West London, United Kingdom, PhD HCI and Information Systems
University of Greenwhich, United Kingdom, MSc Information Systems Management


Advance Higher Education, Senior Fellow SFHEA
Digital Marketing Institute, Certified Digital Marketing Professional
Higher Education Academy, Fellow Higher Education
Microsoft (United States), Microsoft Certified Professional
Microsoft (United States), Microsoft Technology Associate

Journal article

Ghandour R. 2024. Multimodal presentation of E-commerce product reviews and ratings: empirical investigation using multimodality Journal of Trade Science, DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Baxter K, Ghandour R, Histon W. 2024. Greenwashing and brand perception - a consumer sentiment analysis on organisations accused of greenwashing International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising, 21 :149-179 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Al-Shahrania H, Ghandour R. 2018. Impact of Social Media on Purchase Decision Making of Saudi students in London International Journal of Research Publications, 12 :20-20 DOI Publisher Url Public Url

Ghandour R, Jebai B, Hussain M. Relationship between Service Quality, Customer Retention and the role of Social Media- Case study Premier Inn Hotel UK Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation, 2 :1-12 Publisher Url

Ghandour R, Bakalova R. Social media influence on the holiday decision making process in the UK (Generation Y) Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation, 1 :41-54 Publisher Url


Ghandour R. 2018. Utilising student feedback in programme development University of West London


Ghandour R, Rigas D. 2016. Communicating Product User Reviews and Ratings in Interfaces for e-Commerce: A Multimodal Approach Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9751 :82-93 Springer 978-3-319-39396-4 DOI Publisher Url

Conference publication

Ghandour R, Histon W, Baxter K. Do Consumers Wash Their Hands Of Brands? Customer Sentiment Analysis Of Brands, Greenwashing Messaging On Digital Platforms; The Impact Upon Consumer Brand Perceptions The Center for Business and Industrial Marketing

Ghandour R, Rigas D. Communicating Product User Reviews and Ratings in Interfaces for e-Commerce: A Multimodal Approach Springer International Publishing, International Conference on HCI in Business, Government and Organizations 9751 :82-93 DOI

Al Maassarani M, Ghandour R, Haj Youssef M. The Haptic Experience and its Impact on Purchase Decision in the Retail Context: A Comparative Study Between Augmented Reality and In-Store Haptic Experience British Academy of Management 2024 Conference Proceedings, British Academy of Management (BAM) Public Url

Research Grants Awarded:

International Science Partnerships Fund, Prototyping Generative AI in Digital Marketing to Overcome Disability Disadvantage, Amr Al Khateeb and Rajab Ghandour, Grant value (£): 14,800. 2024


Nominee for VC Awards for Excellence in Research and Knowledge Exchange, LJMU. 2024

Teaching Supervision Award, University of West London. 2019

School Course Leader Award, University of West London. 2018

Teaching Award, University of West London. 2017

Best Paper Award- E-business systems and Social Media, Business and Management Academy International Journal- Brunel University. 2015

LIU staff Appreciation Award. 2013

Other invited event:

Ethics and Social Media, Research Webinar, Delivered a webinar on Ethics and Social Media highlighting the regulations along the role of terms and conditions on the user privacy. 2023

The Rise and Adoption of Metaverse, Webinar, Delivered a presentation on the Metaverse rise and adoption within the business sector.. 2022

Annual Doctoral colloquium, University of West London, Delivered a session about PhD journey from zero to hero. 2018

Membership of professional bodies:

Member, British Academy of Management. 2023

Certified Digital Marketing Professional, Digital Marketing Institute.

Chartered Management and Business Educator (CMBE), Chartered Association of Business Schools.

Member, The Charted Institute of Marketing.

Media Coverage:

Media interview with Fortune magazine related to Elon Musk take over Twitter. Article: "Elon Musk putting Twitter behind a paywall could ‘sound the death knell’ for the social media platform, experts say" 2022

Gave interview to Rewired magazine regarding Mark Zuckerburg and Facebook strategy. Article: "Zuckerberg’s Monster: Is Facebook Invincible?" 2018

Other Professional Activity:

Panellist-Annual Doctoral colloquium-University of West London. 2017

Course Director Executive Education and Knowledge Exchange-University of West London.

External Examiner, London South Bank University.

External masters research supervisor – MBA, University of East London..

Lead and delivered professional course to British Council on Data Analysis and Visualisation. Programme run by the Academy of Leadership &Management-2022.

Panellist for round table discussion for new curriculum in Digital Marketing-Universiti Teknologi Mara Malaysia-2022.

Panellist round table discussion curriculum enhancement, NDU 2022.

Conference presentation:

Communicating Product User Reviews and Ratings in Interfaces for e-Commerce: A Multimodal Approach, International Human Cumputer Interaction HCI ,2016, Oral presentation. 2016

External collaboration:

American University of Science and Technology, Michel Owayjan.

Heriot-Watt University, Jay Wasim.

Leeds Trinity University, Tahir Islam.

Liverpool Hope University, Katherine Baxter.

Liverpool Hope University, Katherine Baxter.

Notre Dame University, Bilal Jibai.

Royal Holloway University of London, Nisreen Ameen.

University of Bradford, Zahid Hussain.

University of West London, Aqbal Mohindroo.

University of Westminster, La Toya Quamina.

Conference organisation:

International Symposium on Social Networks and Applications (2018), Program Chair,

Industrial connections:

Naxxar Technology, Advisor.

RVS Media, Provide Consultancy.


Senior Fellow, Advance HE. 2023.
