I qualified in 1994 as a Mental Health Nurse, and over my career I have worked in both Inpatient and Community Mental Health settings within the NHS across a number of NHS Trusts and Primary Care . The roles I have had include staff Nurse, Community Mental Health Nurse, Deputy Team Manager, Lead Nurse for Physical Health, Matron for Quality and most latterly Team Manager for the Community Physical Health Team in Merseycare NHS Trust. I have worked predominantly within adult Mental Health settings though my work as a Matron for Quality enabled me to develop knowledge in the areas of Eating Disorders, CAMHS, Perinatal Mental Health and Youth Offending. Throughout my career and to date I have a passion for ensuring patient safety, improving quality and alongside have focused on improving the physical health of people who use Mental Health services.
Academic appointments
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Health, Liverpool John Moores University, 2022 - present