Pete Dolan

Pete is the Outreach Manager at LJMU, responsible for building relationships with schools and colleges and for delivering the university’s sustained widening access initiatives, targeting under-represented learners and disadvantaged communities. In 2023 he celebrated 25 years of working at LJMU.

His interest in ensuring access to higher education for all perhaps comes from his own upbringing in Crosby, with parents that strived to ensure Pete had an open door of possibilities for his own future.

“My mum and dad were always keen for me, and my brother, to go to university and to have the opportunities which weren’t available to them and most others from similar backgrounds. That is probably where my interest in widening access stems from and the belief in the importance of equality of opportunity in education for all. LJMU represents those values better than anywhere and is the antithesis of the elitist system prevalent when my parents were young.”

Pete started his career at LJMU in a temporary role with the Academic Development Unit, eventually securing a permanent job in 1998 at our I.M. Marsh campus as a Programme Assistant and then as the Admissions Officer for Education, Community and Leisure.

“It was a great time to work at I.M. Marsh with a brilliant community of staff and students. I enjoyed my six years there and working in admissions is when I first got involved in student recruitment related work.”

It was in 2004 that Pete would make the move across to the Student Recruitment Team.

“I was actually pushed into applying for the Schools and Colleges Account Manager role by Sharon Roden who encouraged me to apply for her maternity cover. Although it was slightly out of my comfort zone Sharon persuaded me, so I applied, got the job, and absolutely loved it. Sharon still works in the team and her son is now in his second year at university which makes me feel old!”

In 2011, Pete moved into his current role as Outreach Manager and works with his dedicated team to inspire people from across Great Britain and Northern Ireland to pursue a university education.

“I take pride in the fact that the team have helped ensure the university is consistently above the sector benchmark for recruiting students from low-income backgrounds and areas of low participation neighbourhoods. It is always pleasing when one of our current students says the reason for them choosing LJMU was that someone from the team came to speak to them at their school, or that they attended one of our summer schools.”

“I love Liverpool, from our rich history, the culture, the music, the football and the politics. My city is a unique place, and it is privilege to be able to promote it, and the transformative opportunities our university can offer as part of my job. My roles at LJMU have given me the opportunity to travel to most corners of the country, some wonderful places, but nowhere I’d rather call home than here.”

– Pete Dolan

Pete’s team works as part of the wider Student Recruitment, Marketing and Admissions Team, coming together throughout the year to coordinate events where new and prospective students can visit campus and find out more about the university, while the team also take their knowledge countrywide.

“Whether it be clearing or open days, there is always a sense of satisfaction and camaraderie when contributing to a whole team effort to successfully pull off something complex. An example would be the Belfast applicant day which the Outreach Team runs each year, when in February 2018 we had to negotiate the ‘Beast from the East’ storm and fly in gale force winds and snow to Northern Ireland. At one point it looked doubtful that we would even get there, but eventually we did and academic colleagues from all faculties and various professional service teams helped us deliver a fabulous event. Occasions like this make you feel proud to work with such fantastic people.

“I love Liverpool, from our rich history, the culture, the music, the football and the politics. My city is a unique place, and it is privilege to be able to promote it, and the transformative opportunities our university can offer as part of my job. My roles at LJMU have given me the opportunity to travel to most corners of the country, some wonderful places, but nowhere I’d rather call home than here.”

Pete’s 25-year career at LJMU means that he’s also got many treasured personal memories.

“Seeing my wife graduate from her LJMU nursing degree at the cathedral was emotional, as was meeting Steven Gerrard at a book launch in the John Lennon Art and Design Building. Seeing the Dalai Lama in 2004 at his Roscoe Lecture and Brian May winking at me at graduation was also kind of magic.”