Sacha Ogosi

Inspiring alumna Sacha got involved in so many different aspects of university life during her time studying at LJMU.

Sacha grew up in rural Ireland, with parents who loved travelling and interacting with new people, and so from a young age she had a global outlook on life and was keen to seek out experiences not just at home, but internationally too.

When looking at options for university at home in Ireland, she found that there were limited course options as she had a real desire to study a combination of criminology and psychology. This led to her searching for courses here in Liverpool.

“During my university research, LJMU stood out as it is not only provided the desired course but also offered a range of extracurricular activities. My intention has always been to go beyond academia during my university journey, seeking opportunities to enrich my overall experience.”

Sacha joined LJMU in 2017 and over her three years of study she fully embraced everything that the university had to offer, including the chance to travel abroad. “One of the most memorable experiences for me was volunteering in Fiji with Think Pacific, a remarkable opportunity facilitated by LJMU. This experience proved to be truly life-changing. Being fully immersed in their vibrant culture allowed me to challenge myself and witness a completely different side of the world, making it an extraordinary and enriching journey.”

“Something I learned during my time at university was to take advantage of every opportunity, especially those that took me out of my comfort zone.”

– Sacha Ogosi

Another of those opportunities was the chance to act as a student mentor on LJMU’s first Reciprocal Mentoring Scheme. As part of the university’s determination to widen access and participation, and to close the attainment gap, colleagues came together with students to transform the way our university understands and responds to the perspective of Black students.

“The suggestion to participate resonated with me, as a student of colour, and driven by the desire to contribute to a positive transformation for those who would follow in my footsteps as students at LJMU.

“I had the privilege of mentoring the Director of Student Futures, a role that allowed me to directly contribute to enhancing the career experiences of students, particularly those from underrepresented backgrounds. It was immensely gratifying to have a hands-on role in positively shaping the professional landscape for individuals from diverse communities.

“A change I experienced was witnessing the increased commitment of the Executive Leadership Team to amplify diverse perspectives, as demonstrated by the continued and expanded scheme even after my departure, affirming the impact of our collective efforts.”

Sacha graduated in 2020, and despite still only being in her early twenties, she is thriving in her career.

“Since graduation I have completed a master's in international relations and started working at the London School of Economics and Political Science in a research unit as the public affairs manager.”

She has many wise words for LJMU students of the future: “Seize every opportunity that comes your way, even if it doesn't seem directly aligned with your career path. There are always transferable skills to gain that will prove invaluable later in life.

“The LJMU community is truly exceptional, extending its warmth and support well beyond graduation, with assistance available at every turn.”