New Online Development Resources for LJMU Staff

New LJMU staff development e-modules: Appraisals & Connected Conversations and Mental Resilience


The Leadership and Development Foundation is pleased to announce 2 new online development resources available to all staff.


LJMU Appraisals and Connected Conversations

This module is designed to enhance staff experience of Appraisal and Development discussions.  The module includes full details of the LJMU appraisal process, video perspectives of the importance of appraisal and development review discussions from LJMU staff, and how adopting a coaching approach can improve the experience for both line managers and staff.


Mental Resilience

This module looks at the pressures and demands that staff can experience at work, raising awareness of the symptoms that may be displayed when the level of pressure is unsustainable and how to positively and proactively respond. The module includes practical techniques and actions that can be adopted to develop personal resilience, and is aligned to the University’s Health and Wellbeing Agenda.


These modules are not mandatory, however it is recommended that line managers and staff review both modules to improve the experience of appraisal and develop mental resilience to support wellbeing. To access the modules go to:


As well as these organisational development resources, the LDF team offer a wide range of development opportunities. To view the new 2019-20 Staff Development calendar, go to:


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