LJMU Wellbeing Week: See Say Signpost Suicide Prevention Training

LJMU Wellbeing Week: See Say Signpost Suicide Prevention Training

See Say Signpost Suicide Prevention Training…

During Wellbeing Week we will have See Say Signpost online training stations available across the University. The 20 minute online training module helps guide you on how to talk to someone who may be feeling suicidal - it could be a friend, family member, or stranger. The aim of See Say Signpost is to help you gain an understanding in how to see the signs, talk to someone in the right way and understand where to signpost them for help.
These sessions will be facilitated should you wish to ask any questions or discuss any issues that the training may bring up. Headphones are available and the training offers BSL for D/deaf learners. Don’t forget that you can also do the training on your phone, tablet or work computer.

Angela Samata, an Honorary LJMU Fellow is co-author of this NHS-70 Parliamentary award-winning training and will be faciltiating Monday's session at Byrom St.

Visit www.ljmu.ac.uk/wellbeingweek to access the 'See Say Signpost' training and visit www.zerosuicidealliance.com for further info.

Date, time and location of See Say Signpost training

  • Monday 11th March 12 – 2pm Byrom Career Zone
  • Tuesday 12th March 12 – 2pm Redmonds Building, IT Suite Room 327 & 329, 3rd Floor
  • Wednesday 13th March 12 – 2pm Aldham Library
  • Thursday 14th March 12 – 2pm Avril Robarts Library
  • Friday 15th March 12 – 2pm IM Marsh Library


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