Majority of April and May exams to be held online

Most exams in April and May 2022 will be held online

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All students sitting exams this April and May will have received an email from Claire Milsom, Registrar and Chief Operating Officer.

Due to the current rise in COVID-19 infection rates, the majority of examinations scheduled for April and May will now take place online.

The University’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) confirmed the decision, based on the latest public health data and forecasts. Infection rates in Liverpool have doubled and there is a risk that staff absences at LJMU would prevent us from administering the circa 500 examinations taking place this semester. Moving examinations online will ensure that you can complete your studies for this academic year. 

You will be able to access the library and IT suites for your online assessments and we will support you with remote access. Your programme leader will provide you with more details about your examinations and your personal timetable will be updated accordingly. 

There are a small number of examinations which will be held in-person due to specific requirements of the professional body. Again, your programme leader will contact you with more information.

The full timetable is now available to view here and the link to your personalised timetable can be accessed here.

Information and support for assessment

Please remember that there is lots of guidance that you can use to help you do your best.

Finally, and most importantly, make sure that you check your individual Canvas module sites for specific assignment guidance.

Our Academic Skills Tutors have put together resources to support you with revision and exam skills. Find out more here.

Please note that these assessment periods apply to students following the standard academic calendar.  Assessment dates may vary for students following non-standard calendars.

Coursework extensions and extenuating circumstances

If you need to request an extension for coursework or extenuating circumstances for an exam, please complete the online form. Go to the 'Personal Circumstances' option within the left panel and select the 'Extension' option. Please also provide supporting evidence alongside your extension request, which could be in the form of a medical note or correspondence, email from LJMU support services, depending on the nature of your extension request. You can also contact the Academic Registry Helpdesk.


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