Professorship conferred on Vice-Chancellor

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Mark Power, Vice-Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University, has been conferred as a Professor of Higher Education Leadership.

As the process involved the Vice-Chancellor, who would normally chair the professorial conferment panel, an extraordinary panel was convened for the purpose, chaired by Professor Phil Vickerman, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Student Experience.  The panel consisted of members of the LJMU professoriate with contributions from external professors and references from two other Vice-Chancellors with oversight by a member of the governing body.

The panel considered Professor Power’s exemplary and distinguished record in academic leadership and the significant impact of his work for the university in both progressing dynamic change and sustained success for LJMU and its students, as well as the influence he has leveraged externally to position the university to best advantage both commercially and as a leading civic institution.

Alongside academic leadership, the panel also considered his continuing work as a professional commissioned artist with a flourishing reputation built through exhibitions both in the UK and internationally.  Having started his career with a degree in fine art, Professor Power was a member of staff at the Liverpool School of Art and Design before moving into managerial positions as part of the strategic leadership team and he continues to be a trustee of the John Moores Liverpool Exhibition Trust.

The professorship has been conferred with immediate effect.


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