Nadia Butler
Public and Allied Health
Faculty of Health
Telephone: 0151 231 4148
Nadia Butler is a Research Fellow at the Public Health Institute (Violence, Peace and Health Risk Behaviours Team). She is a senior researcher in the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Violence Prevention, led by Professor Zara Quigg. Nadia works on research and evaluation at local, national, and international level. Her research areas of interest and expertise are primarily around interpersonal violence, and in particular, violence against children. She leads on the ongoing development and updating of the WHO Violence Prevention Information System (Violence Info: Violence Info aims to improve access to scientific information about all types of interpersonal violence, including findings on prevalence rates, risk factors, consequences, and prevention and response strategies, through creating a data repository and displaying the information in a user-friendly forma on a website. It covers all types of interpersonal violence; child maltreatment, youth violence, intimate partner violence, abuse of older people and crosscutting categories such as sexual violence, violence against children, violence against women and homicide.
A specific area of research and evaluation which Nadia has interest and expertise in is violence against children (including Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), child maltreatment, and youth violence). She has led on evaluations of school-based programmes including Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership funded projects such as the Mentors in Violence Prevention (MVP) Programme (implemented by Merseyside Youth Association) and primary school violence prevention programmes (implemented by Ariel Trust), and Hampshire Violence Reduction Unit's funded Choices programme (implemented by Artswork/Bearface). She is involved in several evaluations of Emergency Department Navigator programmes across England (e.g. Midlands, Merseyside, and Hampshire). She has also led on primary research using school-based surveys to explore children's wellbeing and resilience, and experience of violence and abuse, and secondary analysis of the Crime Survey for England and Wales on child maltreatment and it's association with risk of adulthood violence revictimisation.
Other areas of research Nadia is interested and involved in is gambling and nightlife. Specifically she has led on the design and/or analyses of the Isle of Man and Guernsey gambling population surveys, exploring the prevalence of gambling behaviour, problem gambling, and its association with health and other health risk behaviours. Nadia has been involved in numerous evaluations of nightlife interventions across England and Wales to prevent and respond to the sale of alcohol to intoxicated patrons, as well as primary nightlife research investigating the extent of sexual violence in the night-time economy and patron's willingness to intervene as a bystander to potentially risky situations.
Nadia's methodological expertise is primarily in quantitative analysis, but also in evidence synthesis (e.g. Violence Info, NHS violence against staff evidence review). She has experience in programme evaluation methodologies using mixed methods (e.g. evaluations of MVP, Ariel Trust programmes, Choices programme). Nadia also has extensive experience analysing large population survey datasets (e.g. Isle of Man surveys, Guernsey gambling survey and the Crime Survey for England and Wales).
Nadia is currently working towards a PhD by publication on a public health approach to preventing and responding to violence against children.
She teaches on the Violence module on the MSc in Public Health, and Health Risk Behaviours module on the BSc in Public Health at LJMU, and supervisors MSc and PhD students.
Prior to joining the Institute, Nadia completed an MSc with Distinction in Investigative and Forensic Psychology at the University of Liverpool. She completed her Masters dissertation on sex offenders with learning difficulties’ motivation to engage in treatment and reduce offending behaviour. Nadia also holds a First Class Honours Higher Diploma in Applied Psychology, an MA Criminology, and a BA (Hons) Arts from University College Cork.
2014, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom, MSc Investigative and Forensic Psychology
2013, University College Cork, Ireland, HDip Applied Psychology
2011, University College Cork, Ireland, MA Criminology
2010, University College Cork, Ireland, BA Honours Arts
Journal article
Quigg Z, Harrison R, Harris J, Butler N, Bates R, Timpson H. 2024. Drivers to implementing a whole-system approach to enquiring about adverse childhood experiences: A mixed methods evaluation from a single county in England Child Abuse and Neglect, 155 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Quigg Z, Wilson C, McCoy E, Butler N. 2024. The impact of adverse childhood experience and trauma-informed practice training for police in two regions in the United Kingdom The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson C, Butler N, Quigg Z. 2024. Harms from Other People’s Gambling: Associations with an Individual’s Own Gambling Behaviours, Health Risk Behaviours, Financial Problems, General Health, and Mental Wellbeing Journal of Gambling Studies, 40 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Butler N, Quigg Z, Wilson C, McCoy E, Bates R. 2024. The Mentors in Violence Prevention Programme: impact on students’ knowledge and attitudes related to violence, prejudice, and abuse, and willingness to intervene as a bystander in secondary schools in England BMC Public Health, 24 :729 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Quigg Z, Bates R, Butler N, Smith C, Wilson C, Atkinson AM, Bellis MA. 2024. Sexual violence in nightlife and positive bystander intervention in an English city. BMC Public Health, 24 :157 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bates R, Butler N, Quigg Z. 2023. Swipe Right: Harms Associated With Using and Meeting People via Dating Apps Partner Abuse, 14 :114-132 DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Wilson C, Butler N, Quigg Z. 2022. Associations between playing free-to-play sports gambling predictor games and online sports betting frequency for men in the United Kingdom Journal of Public Health (Germany), DOI Publisher Url Public Url
Quigg Z, Butler N, Hughes K, Bellis MA. 2022. Effects of multi-component programmes in preventing sales of alcohol to intoxicated patrons in nightlife settings in the United Kingdom. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 15 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Butler N, Quigg Z, Pearson I, Yelgezekova Z, Nihlén Å, Bellis MA, Yon Y, Passmore J, Aguirre IY, Stoeckl H. 2022. The impact of COVID-19 and associated measures on health, police, and non-government organisation service utilisation related to violence against women and children BMC Public Health, 22 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Butler N, Quigg Z, Bates R, Jones L, Ashworth E, Gowland S, Jones M. 2022. The Contributing Role of Family, School, and Peer Supportive Relationships in Protecting the Mental Wellbeing of Children and Adolescents School Mental Health, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Pearson I, Butler N, Yelgezekova Z, Nihlén Å, Yordi Aguirre I, Quigg Z, Stöckl H. 2021. Emerging responses implemented to prevent and respond to violence against women and children in WHO European member states during the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review of online media reports. BMJ Open, 11 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Butler N, Quigg Z, Bellis MA. 2020. Cycles of violence in England and Wales: the contribution of childhood abuse to risk of violence revictimisation in adulthood. BMC Medicine, 18 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
King R, Butler N. 2019. Running amok: Spree killers viewed through the lens of evolutionary theory Mankind Quarterly, 60 :174-195 DOI Publisher Url
Butler N, Quigg Z, Bates R, Sayle M, Ewart H. 2019. Gambling with Your Health: Associations Between Gambling Problem Severity and Health Risk Behaviours, Health and Wellbeing Journal of Gambling Studies, DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Quigg Z, Hughes K, Butler N, Ford K, Canning I, Bellis MA. 2018. Drink Less Enjoy More: effects of a multi-component intervention on improving adherence to, and knowledge of, alcohol legislation in a UK nightlife setting. Addiction, 113 :1420-1429 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Burrows S, Butchart A, Butler N, Quigg Z, Bellis MA, Mikton C. 2018. New WHO Violence Prevention Information System, an interactive knowledge platform of scientific findings on violence. Injury Prevention, 24 :155-156 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Bellis MA, Hardcastle K, Ford K, Hughes K, Ashton K, Quigg Z, Butler N. 2017. Does continuous trusted adult support in childhood impart life-course resilience against adverse childhood experiences - a retrospective study on adult health-harming behaviours and mental well-being. BMC Psychiatry, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Hearne E, McCoy E, Quigg Z, Butler N. 2024. Evaluation of the Public Health Merit Award in youth organisations across Wales Public Url
Quigg Z, Smith C, Hughes K, Wilson C, Butler N, Jones L, Bellis MA. 2023. Everybody’s business: Early intervention and crime reduction. Understanding and enhancing the role of police and multi-agency partners in preventing harms that cross the public health and criminal justice landscape. Everybody’s business: Early intervention and crime reduction. Understanding and enhancing the role of police and multi-agency partners in preventing harms that cross the public health and criminal justice landscape. Publisher Url Public Url
Harris J, Butler NL, Germain J, Quigg Z. 2023. Service evaluation of the Merseyside Navigator Programme (Year 2 – June 2022 to June 2023) Service evaluation of the Merseyside Navigator Programme (Year 2 – June 2022 to June 2023) Publisher Url Public Url
Sumnall H, McCoy E, Smith C, Harrison R, Butler N. 2023. Informing Policy to Minimise the Harms Associated with Drug Use in the Isle of Man Informing Policy to Minimise the Harms Associated with Drug Use in the Isle of Man
Wilson C, Butler N, Farrugia A, Quigg Z. 2023. Merseyside Police Trauma-Informed Training Impacts on Trauma-Informed Knowledge and Attitudes
Germain J, Wilson C, Haines CR, Butler N, Whitfield M, Quigg Z. 2023. Violence Data Flow Position of the South Yorkshire Violence Reduction Unit Final Report Publisher Url Public Url
McCoy E, Wilson C, Harrison R, Smith C, Butler N, Farrugia AM, Hellwell F, Quigg Z. 2023. Cheshire Youth Justice Services Health Needs Assessment
Butler N, Wilson C, Bates R, Quigg Z, Ashworth E. 2023. Sefton School Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Survey 2021 Sefton School Mental Wellbeing and Resilience Survey 2021 Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
Quigg Z, Harrison R, Butler N, Bates R, Harris J, Timpson H. 2022. Evaluation of a system wide approach to implementing routine enquiry about adversity in childhood (REAChTM) across Nottinghamshire (Final report) Publisher Url Public Url
McCoy E, Oyston J, Harrison R, Butler N, Turner E, Timpson H, Quigg Z. 2021. Evaluation of the Sefton Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Recovery Programmes
Jones L, Bates R, Butler N, Quigg Z. 2021. Economic and social costs of violence on Merseyside Economic and social costs of violence on Merseyside
Butler NL, Quigg Z, Bates R, Bigland C. 2020. Evaluation of Lancashire and South Cumbria's suicide prevention training programmes and community-based projects Publisher Url Public Url
McCoy E, Butler N, Harrison R, Oyston J, Bates R, Grey H, Quigg Z. 2020. A review and mapping of the provision of services for victims and survivors of sexual violence across Merseyside A review and mapping of the provision of services for victims and survivors of sexual violence across Merseyside
Quigg Z, Timpson H, Millings M, Bates R, McCoy E, Bigland C, Ashton SA, Burton L, Jennifer H, Harrison R, Clarke M, Butler N. 2020. Evaluation of the Merseyside Violence Reduction Partnership 2019-20
McCoy E, Harrison R, Butler N, Oyston J, Karina K, Quigg Z. 2020. Evaluation of the Domestic Abuse Early Help Pilot
Butler NL, Bates R, Quigg Z. 2019. Evaluation of Liverpool's Drink Less Feel Good intervention Publisher Url Public Url
McCoy E, Harrison R, Butler N, Oyston J, Kinsella K, Timpson H, Quigg Z. 2019. Evaluation of the Rock Pool ACES Recovery Toolkit Programme Evaluation of the Rock Pool ACES Recovery Toolkit Programme
McCoy E, Harrison R, Kinsella K, Wallis S, Butler N, Timpson H, Quigg Z. 2019. Evaluation of the Waves of Hope Tides of Change Programme Evaluation of the Waves of Hope Tides of Change Programme
Butler N, Harrison R, Bates R, Jones L, Ross-Houle K, Bigland C, Quigg Z. 2019. Supporting young people’s emotional health and wellbeing in Sefton Supporting young people’s emotional health and wellbeing in Sefton
Butler NL, Bates R, Quigg Z. 2018. Evaluation of Liverpool's Drink Less Enjoy More intervention 2017 Progress and findings to date Publisher Url Public Url
Butler NL, Quigg Z, Burrows S, Butchart A, Mikton C, Hughes K, Bellis MA. 2017. Violence Info methodology Publisher Url Public Url
Quigg Z, Ford KJ, Butler N, Hardcastle KA, Hughes K. 2015. Evaluation of the South Wales Know The Score Intervention Author Url Publisher Url Public Url
McCoy EJ, Butler N, Quigg Z. 2015. Evaluation of the Liverpool MARAC Publisher Url
Quigg Z, Ford K, Butler NL, Hardcastle K, Hughes K. Evaluation of the South Wales Know the Score #DrinkLessEnjoyMore intervention (Phase 2) Publisher Url
Ford K, Butler NL, Hughes K, Quigg Z, Bellis MA. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in Hertfordshire, Luton and Northamptonshire Publisher Url
Ford K, Quigg Z, Butler NL, Hughes K. The service of alcohol to drunks: Measuring and supporting compliance with the law in Manchester City Centre's nightlife
Butler NL, Quigg ZA, Wallis S, Grey H, Bigland C. Liverpool's Drink Less Enjoy More intervention - Progress monitoring report Publisher Url
Wilson C, Quigg Z, Bates R, Butler N, Hearne E, Montgomery C, Bellis M. Celebrating Together. Views and Experiences of Nightlife and Entertainment Users during the Eurovision Song Contest. Liverpool 2023 Author Url
Bellis MA, Hardcastle K, Ford K, Hughes K, Ashton K, Quigg Z, Butler N. 2017. Does continuous trusted adult support in childhood impart life-course resilience against adverse childhood experiences - a retrospective study on adult health-harming behaviours and mental well-being (vol 17, pg 110, 2017) BMC PSYCHIATRY, 17 DOI Author Url Publisher Url
Conference publication
Conference presentation:
Evaluation of the Liverpool MARAC, CitySafe Board Meeting, Town Hall, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016
Evaluation of the Liverpool Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference, CitySafe Board, Town Hall, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2016
Evaluation of the Liverpool Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference, Research in Focus: Merseyside Domestic Homicide Review (DHR) Learning Event, Liverpool, Oral presentation. 2015
An Exploratory Cluster Analysis of Motivation to Change in Sex Offenders with Intellectual Difficulties, Division of Forensic Psychology Annual Conference 2015, Manchester, Oral presentation. 2015