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Your search term "real estate" returned 1,320 results.

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Showing results 1,311 - 1,320

  1. External Advisors privacy notice

    LJMU takes your privacy very seriously. This privacy notice explains how we use your personal information and your rights regarding that information. We are committed to being transparent about how we collect and use your data and to meeting our data protection obligations.

  2. Student privacy notice

    Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) needs to obtain and process a range of information about its students in order to exercise its responsibilities and fulfils its education, training and support obligations to you and to carry out other essential university activities.

  3. Courses – School of Biological and Environmental Sciences

    Known for its outstanding teaching, the School of Biological and Environmental Sciences has a range of undergraduate, postgraduate and foundation courses. Find out about our degree programmes in anthropology, biology, geography, wildlife conservation, animal behaviour, zoology and more.

  4. Book a one-to one careers meeting

    Find out how you can book an appointment with our Careers Team advisers to discuss your options. You can take a mock interview, get your personal statement, application forms and CV checked, get interview advice and search for graduate jobs, internships, part-time jobs and work experience.

  5. Student Futures: Careers, Employability and Start-Up

    The aim of the Student Futures Team is to help LJMU students and graduates achieve the career they aspire to. Find useful information and advice about career options, careers fairs and employer events, work experience and internships, careers resources and guides and LJMU’s online digital careers platform.