Membership & Mentorship


CERES is an inclusive centre and welcomes all staff of the University who engage in educational research. It produces world-class publications and secures significant external funding for its research. The Centre prides itself on ensuring that research excellence is combined with the dissemination and support for research-informed practice with the aim of enhancing the quality of the academic and professional learning programmes in the Faculty and across the wider University. It provides leadership in a range of its activities concerned with research induction, capacity-building, external funding, publications, and ongoing support and training for educational researchers. It also seeks to engage with the wider education and social research community through the dissemination of its activities and outcomes in order to maximise research impact on user communities locally, regionally, nationally and internationally.

Membership is available in the following areas by completing our online Membership Form:

  • Core membership for staff who are SRIR
  • Postgraduate Membership (internal for LJMU PhD and EdD students)
  • Associate Membership (internal for LJMU staff)
  • Affiliate Membership (external for researchers or organisations to align with CERES)


CERES runs a mentorship programme for LJMU staff members. Mentors and mentees participate in regular 1-2-1 meetings throughout the academic year. The frequency and purpose of the meetings will depend very much on the research area(s), practice(s) and future intentions identified for focus and enhancement by the researcher and mentor(s).

To participate applicants need to:

  1. Register as members of the CERES via our online Membership Form
  2. Download and read the Mentorship Guidelines
  3. Complete the online Mentorship Form