Understanding the effectiveness of the James’ Place therapeutic model

What is James’ Place?

James’ Place is a community-based service delivering a clinical intervention for men experiencing suicidal crisis. Their mission is to prevent men from dying by suicide and was set up so that no man faces a suicidal crisis alone.  James’ Place aims to support every man facing suicidal crisis and to help them to find hope for the future.  One-to-one support is free and provided by a team of trained therapists who work with the individual to help them understand their suicidal feelings, what is keeping it going and most importantly, coping strategies to help them if they are faced with a similar situation in the future.      

What is the aim of this study?

The aim of this study is to examine how effective the James’ Place therapeutic model is helping men overcome their suicidal crisis in both the short and long-term. To do this, we are asking men who access James’ Place and who receive the James’ Place therapeutic model to complete a questionnaire shortly after coming to James’ Place for the first time. We will then ask the men to repeat the questionnaire in 3, 6 and 12 months’ time. 

The study will include questions that men are routinely asked to complete as part of their therapy, and some additional questions about their thoughts and feelings they may be experiencing, including thoughts and feelings on wellbeing, problems/symptoms, life functioning, risk/harm and additional psychological factors including coping, social support and hope. The answers provided are anonymised and kept confidential.

The findings will be published as part of PhD project and in journal articles. This research may help us to identify areas that are successful and that may require further development, and will contribute to the continued improvement of the James’ Place service for future service users.   

Will the research be upsetting or distressing?

Although the research is on a sensitive and personal topic, and questions asked focus upon thoughts and feelings, problems/symptoms, life functioning, risk/harm you may be experiencing or recently experience, the questions also focus on other factors including coping, social support and hope. People taking part do not have to answer questions they do not wish to, they can take the questionnaire at their own pace and stop should they wish to.

Who should I contact for more information about the study?

Principal investigator
Claire Hanlon - C.A.Hanlon@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 07766833614

Director of studies
Dr Pooja Saini - P.Saini@ljmu.ac.uk
Telephone: 0151 231 8121