Health and Wellbeing Research Theme

Conducting psychological research into illness, health and the delivery of healthcare

A group of academics, research staff and postgraduate students whose research covers a wide variety of health related research, affecting individuals, communities and populations.

We conduct psychological research into illness, health and the delivery of healthcare. The common thread that brings our research together is the application of psychological theories to health. We’re interested in preventative health and behavioural medicine, investigating questions such as:

  • What motivates people to be healthy?
  • How does the way people think, feel and behave in relation to health and other factors influence this?
  • What maintains health?
  • How do people adapt to illness or manage long-term conditions such as diabetes and chronic pain?

Faq Items


Case study


Teaching and learning


Meet the researchers within this theme:

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PhD students

Meet the PhD students within this research theme:

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