Strategy Support Office

Director: Dr Caroline Robson 

The Strategy Support Office provides a hub for strategy-focussed activity and insight at the university and the key areas of our work include:


We support the development of strategy and its translation into priorities, plans and targets across the institution and we report progress against it to a range of audiences, including the university’s Executive Leadership Team (ELT) and the Board of Governors.


We join the dots between institutional priorities and the external landscape and undertake analysis to inform the direction of travel. We review a wide range of internal and sector performance data and provide intelligence to support strategic decisions.

Business Continuity

We are responsible for policy and practice relating to Business Continuity Management (BCM). We support the Incident Management Team (IMT) in ensuring that the university runs smoothly in the context of disruptions such as the pandemic and work with departments across the institution on their local resilience plans.

Given the nature of our activity, we work with a wide range of staff across the university and much of our work is undertaken in partnership with other Professional Service areas and/or key staff in all Faculties.

For further information on the Strategy Support Office’s work, please contact Caroline Robson, Director, Strategy Support Office.