Creativity and Person-Centred Coaching
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Researchers at Liverpool John Moores University (LJMU) are seeking healthy adults, who are not experiencing clinical levels of psychological distress, and who are interested in exploring a life issue with the help of a coach.
What does taking part involve?
Participants will take part in a coaching experience that will comprise six coaching sessions over a period of 6-14 weeks. Coach and participant will meet online via videocall, and the participant will use this time to talk about any life issue he/she might be currently interested in exploring further with the help of a coach.
Participants will undergo a -confidential- person-centred coaching intervention where they will be invited to make use of practices that have been reported to help awaken individuals’ own creative powers when exploring a life issue, like dream recall, creative artwork, imaginal play, open meditation or storytelling. Participants will be free to choose which -if any- of these practices, they would like to explore.
Participants should keep in mind that coaching is for enhancing wellbeing in personal life. Participants will be asked to take a short multiple-choice questionnaire. At the end of the coaching experience, participants will be invited to meet with the researcher for an audio-recorded feedback session.
Who can take part in this study?
Healthy adults (+18) who are not experiencing significant -clinical- levels of psychological distress, and who wish to explore a life issue with the help of a coach.
Where does the study take place?
Participants will talk to a coach in a private location of their choosing via video-call.
Further details can be found in the Participant Information Sheet.
What should you do if you are interested in participating?
If you are interested in participating or would like more information, please email
There is no obligation to take part. Participation is entirely voluntary, and you can stop being part of the study at any time, without giving a reason.